Update a site from the command line - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 46 - Administration & Configuration

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

This feature was modified in Update 33. For more information, see Create a site from the command line (modified in an update).

Use SPFServerManager.exe with the /update argument to update a site. You must provide information about the site using several additional arguments:

/sn: - names the site to be updated (required).

/lsp: [True/False] - If set to True, loads the stored procedures (optional).

/su: - identifies the system user with system admin privileges (required for Oracle when /lsp is set to True).

/sp: - identifies the system password (required for Oracle when /lsp is set to True).

/ts: - identifies the tablespace to load the stored procedures for Oracle (optional).

/its: - identifies the index tablespace to load the stored procedures for Oracle (optional).

/dfg: - identifies the data filegroup for the stored procedures (for SQL Server) (optional).

/ifg: - identifies the index filegroup for the stored procedures (for SQL Server) (optional).

/tlp - sets the path to the trace configuration log file folder location (optional). Use to change the path to a new trace log folder location; if not set, the path defaults to server trace log folder set in the configuration file.

/sdaclienturl:[SDA Client URL] - identifies the address of the Web Client site that is used for building the full URL to objects, as in the example: /sdaclienturl:http://sdaclient.domain.com:8080/

/notificationhostname:[Notification HostName] - identifies the SSL certificate host name used in the NotificationURL from SmartPlant Markup Plus when rendition generation is complete.

/removests:[True/False] - removes built-in authorization server (STS); if True, must also provide the below OAuth settings.

/oauthissuerurl:[OAuth Issuer URL] - identifies the URL of the OAuth service; required for a custom OAuth setting.

/applicationid:[Application ID] - identifies the OAuth application ID; required for a custom OAuth setting.

/allowcredentials:[Allow Credentials] - indicates allow credentials for OAuth; optional for a custom OAuth setting.

/secret:[Secret] - identifies the OAuth secret; optional for a custom OAuth setting.

/sitebackuppath: - specifies the path to which a ZIP file will be copied that contains a backup of the contents of the site before the update. The ZIP file is named using the site name and a time-date stamp.

/peekdebounceduration: – specifies the amount of time in milliseconds(ms) that the peek operation in the search menu waits after a character is entered in the search bar before making a server call to return matches. Default is 300ms. Increasing can improve peek performance if there are many server calls. For example, /peekdebounceduration:600.

/mbh: - identifies the AMQP broker host name.

/mbu: - identifies the AMQP broker user name.

/mbp: - identifies the AMQP broker password.

/mbpr: - identifies the AMQP broker protocol. For example, AMQP or AMQPS.

/mbpo: - identifies the AMQP broker port.

/mbt: - identifies the AMQP extensibility topic.

When you configure a site for a AMQP broker service, all AMQP values must be set.

/hhwl: - identifies a whitelist of authorized host header values that limits requests from only the domains listed.

This example updates a site named SDx (Oracle).

SPFServermanager.exe /update /sn:SDx

This example updates the same site as above, using the additional optional arguments for loading the stored procedures and specifying the Oracle tablespace and index tablespace names (the Oracle tablespace and index tablespace names can be the same).

SPFServermanager.exe /update /sn:SDx /db:Oracle /dsn:SPFSvr1 /u:SPFSvr_data /p:password /lsp:True /su:System /sp:Oracle /ts:SPFSRV_Data /its:SPFSRV_Data

SHARED Tip This example uses the /log: argument to generate a log file that stores results and errors from the operation. Specify a path and file name for the target log file (an extension is not required for the filename).

SPFServermanager.exe /update /sn:SDx /log:"C:\SmartPlant Foundation Server Files\Temp\ServerManager\SPFupdate"

You must use quotation marks around any arguments that use spaces.

This example updates a site using the additional optional argument /tlp: for specifying the path to a new trace log folder location.

SPFServermanager.exe /update /sn:SDx /db:Oracle /dsn:SPFSvr1 /u:SPFSvr_data /p:password /ls:http://myhostname/SPFLicenseServer /tlp:"C:\SmartPlant Foundation Server Files\Web_Sites\SPFServer\TraceLogs"

This example updates a site using the additional optional arguments for specifying the AMQP broker service.

SPFServermanager.exe /update /sn:SDx /mbh:SDx-server.host.com /mbpr:amqp /mbpo:1234 /mbt:ext /mbu:admin /mbp:admin

This example updates a site using the additional optional argument /das to disable the adaptive sampling for application, cache, and config services.

SPFServerManager.exe /update /sn:SDX /das:true

This example updates a site using the EnableServerPreload property.

SPFServermanager.exe /update /sn:SDx /EnableServerPreload:True

This example updates a site using the additional argument /hhwl:, which adds a whitelist of host header values that limits service requests from only the domains listed.

SPFServermanager.exe /update /sn:sdx /hhwl:domain1,domain2,domain3