Configuring virus scanning for uploaded files - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 44 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

When the user attaches files to an object, the attached files can be scanned for viruses during the upload process in SmartPlant Foundation Web Client. You can configure the server to use one or more virus scanners in the system by creating separate.dll files to communicate with each virus software application.

The system is delivered with both the Upload folder and the Safe folder set to the same location. If in-line or out-of-process virus scanning is configured, these directories must be set to different values so that the server can detect that virus scanning is required.

Each separate .dll file provides the paths to pass the files through to the virus scanner. When a file is uploaded, the file is scanned by each of the virus scanners called by their .dll files located in the VirusScanners folder:

C:\SmartPlant Foundation [Version] Server Files\Web_Sites\SPF[Version]Server\VirusScanners

If any uploaded file is virus free, it is moved to the ServerSafeFileDirectory, as defined in the web.config file for the server. For example:

<add key="ServerSafeFileDirectory" value="C:\Products\SPFScannedFileDir"/>

  • If the Upload folder and the Safe folder paths are not set to the same value and no in-line virus scanners are found, the server assumes that an out-of-process virus scanner is in use. The server then leaves the uploaded file in the Upload folder and waits for the out-of-process virus scanner to move the file to either the Safe folder or to the configured quarantine folder.

  • If a file contains a virus, it is deleted and rejected from the upload process. A message appears in the GUI that the file was rejected by the virus scan.

  • You must add the virus scanner.dll files to each server in a multiple server system.