Assign and Change Storage Locations - Intergraph Smart Production - Help

Smart Production SSC Storage Location Functionalities

Intergraph Smart Production
Storage Location Functionalities
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You can save storage location data for stock material, such as storage plates and remnants, when the material is added to the system. Storage locations are shown per site.

Storage plates

You assign the storage location for storage plates when the plate is inserted to the stock. You can modify this location later using the edit form in the Storage Plates list.

Drawn remnants

You use the Save as Remnant functionality to draw and insert remnants. You can assign the site and location of the remnant when you add remnant rows to the database. If you create several storage rows for the same remnant geometry, it is possible to save different locations for these rows.

Cut remnants

The storage location of remnants cut from a nesting is assigned in Smart Production Workshop during the cutting of the nesting. You can modify the location of both drawn and cut remnants using the Remnants tab.

Cut parts

The storage location of cut part items is saved in Smart Production Workshop during the cutting of the nesting.

You cannot change the storage location of the parts in Smart Production Cutting. If you need to change the storage location, you must use Smart Production Work Queue or use the Storage Location page in Smart Production Workshop.