Material Transfer - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.1 - Training - Hexagon

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Inter-warehouse material transfers are performed to issue material to subcontractors for fabrication, installation, painting, and so forth. Additionally, material is transferred from the corporate warehouse (CWH) or the free issue material (FIM) warehouse to the project warehouse.

The material transfer feature can be used to transfer material from one warehouse to another. It can also be used to change the receiving status, which is necessary if the damaged material can be repaired.

To transfer inventory items, you can use the Material Transfer screen.

To create a material transfer report, click on ā€˜Create MTRā€™ button, the ā€˜Inventory Transfersā€™ screen will be opened. Select the transfer date from the date picker in the Transferred On field. The MTR number is generated automatically based on the pre-defined MTR rule assigned to the user. If no MTR rule was assigned, the MTR rule marked as the default is used. Select the type of transfer from the drop-down list in the MTR Type field. The available types are as follows:

  • Regular

  • MTR/Voucher

  • Nested System

  • ORN

  • Split Plate.

The MTR status is set by the software; the possible values are listed as follows:

  • NULL - Regular transfer

  • OPEN - Insert, update, or delete of inventory transfer items is allowed

  • IN TRANSFER - The MTR type is MTR/Voucher. If the status is In Transfer, any changes on the inventory transfer items are not allowed. This status is set after posting the MTR. On MRR by Direct Receive, the LOV for the MTR/Voucher Number field shows the MTRs with an In Transfer status

  • RECEIVED - The MTR type is MTR/Voucher. If the inventory transfer items are received by direct receive on the MRR by Direct Receive screen, the status of the MTR is changed to Received.

If you want to transfer material based on a forecast/reservation run (FR/RR), you must select the name of the FR/RR from the LOV in the Reservation Code field. Then, you can use the Populate Reservation button to populate this reservation to the second (Inventory Transfers) tab of Inventory Transfers screen.

The entered reservation code cannot be changed as soon as MTR details (inventory transfers) are entered or the MTR is posted. The Run Number field and the Split Result field are populated from the selected FR/RR. For more information about forecast/reservation runs, see Construction Planning.

For MTR type MTR/Voucher, after you click the Post button, the assigned reservation run is rejected, and the MTR/voucher is available to be received on the MRR by Direct Receive screen.

If the project default ZC_BIN_LOC is set to BLOC, you must select a site code from the LOV in the Site Code field. Next, select the source warehouse from the LOV in the Warehouse field. This warehouse is the one you transfer from; that is, where the material is currently stored. You can select all warehouses that are assigned to you on Warehouse to Users screen. The warehouse can only be changed if the MTR has not been posted and if no inventory transfers have been assigned to the MTR.

Enter descriptions in the Short Description and Description fields and save the MTR header.

The next fields are optional. The Transferred By field can be used to enter the person who did the transfer, the estimated time of arrival can be selected from the date picker in the ETA Date field, and a shipper reference number can be entered in the Shipper Reference field.

If you have selected a FR/RR in the Reservation Code field, the Populate Reservation button is available in the ā€˜Inventory Transfersā€™ tab. When you click the button, the MTR is populated with the results of the selected FR/RR. The button is active only when the MTR has not been posted, and if no details (inventory transfers) exist for this MTR.

Without an FR/RR assigned to the MTR, you must assign the details (inventory transfers) manually. Click on ā€˜Add Rowā€™ in the Inventory Transfers grid and invoke the LOV in the Ident Code field, to open Inventory Items window, which displays the available inventory items of the selected warehouse.

Select the check box of all inventory items to be transferred. Then click the button to close Inventory Items window and insert the selected items in the Inventory Transfers grid of Inventory Transfers tab. For all inventory transfer items, you must fill in the new (destination) warehouse, location, and status. Invoke the LOV in the New Warehouse field, click on a warehouse from the list, to fill in the selected value. In the same way, select the location in the New Location field and the status in the New Status field. In the Move Quantity field, you must specify how much of the selected inventory item should be transferred from the source warehouse to the destination warehouse. By default, the move quantity will be populated as 0. Check and correct this value when needed, enter a comment in the Comment field, and then save the record. The move quantity must not exceed the on-hand quantity of the inventory item.

If the material is temporarily booked out of the inventory (for example, for calibration or certification), you can link the MTR item to a service agreement line item by selecting the agreement position from the LOV in the Agreement Number field.

To complete the material transfer, you must click the Post button in the MTR Details tab. When you click this button, the material transfer (with MTR type Regular) is posted to the inventory and the posted date of the MTR is set. The inventory is updated with the new warehouse, new location, and/or new receiving status. The custom procedure (CIP) m_pck_site_custom.check_before_post_mtr is called when an MTR is posted. This procedure performs validations of the material transfer reports before the posting operation is executed.

The Post button is only enabled if the MTR has not been posted, and if details (for example, inventory transfers) exist for this MTR.

If the MTR type is Regular, at least one of the fields New Warehouse, New Location, or New Status must be filled for each inventory transfer detail.

If the MTR type is MTR/Voucher, you must not enter a warehouse. The inventory quantity is reduced by the move quantity and the MTR status is changed to In Transfer. Use the MRR by Direct Receive screen to receive the MTR/Voucher material that is in transfer. This method allows you to transfer material by ident and to update the received quantities manually. This is useful if material is lost in the transfer.

Before the material is posted, the software checks to see if the transfer quantities contain heat quantities. If heat quantities exist, the post is cancelled, and a message appears.