Enable file upload/download/import and log file creation - Version 2020 (10.0) - Hexagon

Smart Materials Web Installation (10.2)

Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

In Smart Materials Web, the file upload/download/import is done directly to the database server, and as well the creation of log files.

For any physical directory on the database server that should be used for file upload/download/import or the creation of log files, you must create an Oracle directory for the path and assign READ and WRITE privileges to this Oracle directory to user M_SYS and BIR_SPMAT.

To create (or replace an existing) directory, and to assign the privileges, proceed as follows.

  1. Launch SQL*Plus.

  2. Connect as SYS.

  3. Execute these commands (the example will create a directory with the name LOGDIR for the path /scratch/data/file_data') :

    CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY LOGDIR AS '/scratch/data/file_data';

    grant read,write on DIRECTORY LOGDIR to bir_spmat;

    grant read,write on DIRECTORY LOGDIR to m_sys;