Peak usage - Intergraph Smart Licensing - Version 14.2 - Help - Hexagon

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Peak usage is defined as the point in time at which the maximum number of concurrent licenses for a given product were in use or expired within a specified time period (month, week, and so on). For more information on Expiry Sessions, see Expiry Sessions.

CS licenses enter an Expired for Period state for 12 hours after they are used. Peak usage is different than max used because peak usage includes expired licenses. CX licenses never enter an Expired for Period state. Therefore, the peak usage is the same as max used for CX licenses.

Peak usage can be calculated as follows:

  • Peak usage for a project is the sum of the peak usage for all the keystores in that project.

  • Peak usage for a company is the sum of the peak usage for all the keystores in that company.

  • Peak usage for a product can be reached multiple times in a single day. When Time of Peak is displayed, it indicates the first point in time that peak usage was reached in the day. Days are defined by midnight to midnight UTC.

Example of why keystore, project, and company peak usage are different

The following table shows peak usage for a company (Acme) with two projects (Alpha and Beta) and three keystores (KS1, KS2, and KS3), over five days in January. KS1 belongs to Project Alpha. KS2 is shared by Project Alpha and Beta. KS3 belongs to Project Beta.

The peak usage for Project Alpha is the sum of the peak usage for its keystores KS1 and KS2. In the table, these boxes are shaded in light blue. The peak usage for KS1 is 8, the peak usage for KS2 is 8, and the sum is 16.

The peak usage for Project Beta is the sum of the peak usage for its keystores KS2 and KS3. In the table, these boxes are shaded in medium blue. The peak usage for KS2 is 4, the peak usage for KS3 is 11, and the sum is 15.

The peak usage for Company Acme is the sum of the peak usage for all the keystores in the company (KS1, KS2, and KS3). In the table, the boxes that make up the company peak usage are shaded in light orange. The peak usage for KS1 is 8, the peak usage for KS2 is 11, the peak usage for KS3 is 11, and the sum is 30.

For KS2, the sum of the peak usage for both projects is taken into account. On Jan. 1, the sum for KS2 is 3+4 = 7; on Jan. 2, the sum for KS2 is 6+1 = 7, and so forth through the time period. The largest sum over the five days is 8+3 = 11.

When the project name is specified by either an environment variable or the application, that project name will be reported in the license usage report, not the fallback project name. For more information, see Fallback project.