Command line options for loading or removing configuration connection info (.cci) files - Intergraph Smart Licensing - Version 14.2 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

Smart Licensing Installation and Setup

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Installation & Upgrade

The Client Configuration tool allows administrators to load or remove configuration connection info (.cci) files on client computers.

The ClientConfigTool.exe program is located in the Smart Licensing Client installation folder (for example, C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client).


ClientConfigTool.exe {{-d | -g <groupname> | -u <username>} [-o <domainname>] {-r | -f <filename> [-p <password>]} [-pause]} | -h





Loads a configuration connection info (.cci) file for all users on the device. A file name must be provided.

-g <groupname>

Loads a configuration connection info (.cci) file for a group of users. Contact your IT organization for the name of this group. The group name and file name must be provided.

Do not include the domain name in front of the group name.

-u <username>

Loads a configuration connection info (.cci) file specific to one user. The user name and file name must be provided.

Do not include the domain name in front of the user name.

-o <domainname>

Specifies the domain name for the user. Can be used only in conjunction with the -u parameter.


Removes a configuration connection info (.cci) file.

-f <filename>

Specifies the name of the configuration connection info (.cci) file. This parameter is required when loading a configuration connection info (.cci) file.

-p <password>

Specifies the password for the configuration, if it requires a password for authentication.


Pauses after execution to display results.


Displays help at the command prompt.


  • The command fails if you try to load more than one type of configuration connection info (.cci) file (d, g, u) at the same time.

  • If d, g, or u is not specified, the action is performed for the current user.

  • Before loading a configuration connection info (.cci) file, this command performs various checks, including whether there is a connection to the configuration server, whether the configuration connection info (.cci) file is valid, and if a password is required, whether it is correct. If there is a problem, the file is not loaded.

If the configuration connection info (.cci) file is loaded without an internet connection, restart the Intergraph Smart Licensing Client service when the connection to the internet has been restored.


To load a configuration connection info (.cci) file for the device, type:

"C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client\ClientConfigTool.exe" -d -f "C:\Config Files\ConfigConnectionInfoA.cci"

To load a configuration connection info (.cci) file for a group, type:

"C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client\ClientConfigTool.exe" -g groupname -f "C:\Config Files\ConfigConnectionInfoB.cci"

To load a configuration connection info (.cci) file for a user, type:

"C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client\ClientConfigTool.exe" -u username -f "C:\Config Files\ConfigConnectionInfoC.cci"

To load a password-protected configuration connection info (.cci) file for a user, type:

"C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client\ClientConfigTool.exe" -u username -f "C:\Config Files\ConfigConnectionInfo.cci" -p password

To remove a configuration connection info (.cci) file for the device, type:

"C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client\ClientConfigTool.exe" -d -r

To remove a configuration connection info (.cci) file for a group, type:

"C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client\ClientConfigTool.exe" -g groupname -r

To remove a configuration connection info (.cci) file for a specified user, type:

"C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client\ClientConfigTool.exe" -u username -r

To remove a configuration connection info (.cci) file for the current user, type:

"C:\Program Files\Intergraph Smart Licensing\Client\ClientConfigTool.exe" -r