Material Builder - Intergraph Smart Isometrics Material Editor - Help - Hexagon PPM

Smart Isometrics Material Editor Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics Material Editor
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Material Editor Version

Provides options for creating new materials and editing material attributes, such as end preparation, bore, and dimensions. You can also use the Material Builder to remove materials from the database. To open the Material Builder, click Insert New Material or Edit Material on the toolbar in the Database window. You can also click Insert > New Material.

The Material Builder window is divided into four main sections: the tree view (A), the material diagram control (B), the main data area (C), and the Sizes grid (D). The window also includes a horizontal toolbar and a status bar.

Material Builder Toolbar

Displays icons for commonly used commands. Many of the commands on this toolbar are identical in name and functionality to those on the Material Editor horizontal toolbar.

The commands on the horizontal toolbar impact the state of the currently active database, including the item group and filter settings.

Show Only Pipe limits the display of materials in the current database to pipes. Affects the display of materials in the Material Builder and in the Database window.

Show Only Fittings limits the display of materials in the current database to fittings. Affects the display of materials in the Material Builder and in the Database window.

Show Only Flanges limits the display of materials in the current database to flanges. Affects the display of materials in the Material Builder and in the Database window.

Show Only Gaskets limits the display of materials in the current database to gaskets. Affects the display of materials in the Material Builder and in the Database window.

Show Only Valves limits the display of materials in the current database to valves. Affects the display of materials in the Material Builder and in the Database window.

Show Only Instruments limits the display of materials in the Material Builder tree view to instruments. Affects the display of materials in the Material Builder and in the Database window.

Show Only Miscellaneous Items limits the display of materials in the Material Builder tree view to miscellaneous items. Affects the display of materials in the Material Builder and in the Database window.

Show Only Supports limits the display of materials in the Material Builder tree view to supports. Affects the display of materials in the Material Builder and in the Database window.

Show Only Bolts limits the display of materials in the Material Builder tree view to bolts. Affects the display of materials in the Material Builder and in the Database window.

Show Only Welds limits the display of materials in the Material Builder tree view to welds. Affects the display of materials in the Material Builder and in the Database window.

Show Only Additional Materials limits the display of materials in the Material Builder tree view to additional materials. Affects the display of materials in the Material Builder and in the Database window.

Show All displays all the materials that reside in the current database. Affects the display of materials in the Material Builder tree view and in the Database window.

Filter Builder opens the Filter Builder dialog box in which you can create and apply filters. For more information, see Filters.

Turn ON/OFF Filter toggles on and off the current filter. Affects the display of materials in the Material Builder and in the Database window.

Copy Material copies the selected material to the Material Editor internal clipboard. For more information, see Copy and Paste Materials Between Components.

Paste Material pastes the data that currently resides on the Material Editor internal clipboard. For more information, see Copy and Paste Materials Between Components.

Material Wizard opens the Material Wizard utility. This utility automates the process of creating item code, description, and SKEY data for new materials. For more information, see Use the Material Wizard to Define Item Code and Description Data.

Validate Size Grid reviews the entries in the Sizes grid to ensure sure that the values are valid. Also fills in empty cells where possible and adds missing unit values.

Sort Size Grid (Small to Large Bores) sorts the bore sizes in the Sizes grid from small to large.

Sort Size Grid (Large to Small Bores) sorts the bore sizes in the Sizes grid from large to small.

Save saves the changes to the active database.

Material Builder Tree View

The tree view in the Material Builder is similar to the tree view in the Database window. However, unlike the tree view in the Database window, the Material Builder tree view displays component types that are empty. That is, they currently have no materials within them. Component types that are empty display in the tree view with the icon, whereas those that are populated display with the icon. As such, when you are creating materials for your database, you can tell at a glance what still needs to be done in terms of materials that need to be added.

The item group that initially displays upon opening the Material Builder corresponds to the item group that is active in the Database window. However, you can use the Show Only commands on the Material Builder horizontal toolbar to change the group that is currently displayed. For example, if you click Show Only Valves , then the Material Builder tree view displays only valves.

Expanding an item group node displays its respective component types, and expanding the node of a component type displays the individual materials within it.

As in Windows Explorer, click and to navigate through the tree view, expanding and closing nodes.

When you select a material in the tree view, the software retrieves its information from the active database and displays it in the main data area, the material diagram control, and the Sizes grid.

Material Builder Main Data Area

The main data area of the Material Builder allows you to view, define, and edit material data. When you select an item type in the tree view, the software retrieves its material data from the MDB Information table and displays it in the main data area. In the example below, a globe valve is selected in the tree view (1); the software retrieves the necessary material data and displays it in the main data area (2).

When you create a new material, you use the main data area to define the required item attributes. You can also use the main data area to edit material data, and then update the database with the new attribute data.


Item code displays the item code for the selected item. You must define an item code when you create a new material.


Description displays a description for the selected item. You must type a description when you create a new material.


SKEY displays the SKEYs available for the component type. You must select an SKEY from this list when you create a new material.


End preparation displays available end preparations. An end preparation is optional, depending on the component type. If the SKEY does not end with **, then the End preparation list is unavailable. Either no end preparation is valid, or it is implied by the SKEY itself.


Attribute/Value Grid displays all the attributes for a specific component. There are two types of attributes: industry standard attributes and user-defined attributes.

Industry standard attributes are present for all components. User-defined attributes are present for some attributes and absent for others and include such things as Wafer, Wafer Bolt Quantity, Bore, Bore Units, and so on. Component attributes are another type of user-defined attributes. You can define up to 100 component attributes.


Add adds the new material and all of its item attributes to the database.


Update updates the Information table in the database with the specified changes.


Delete removes the selected item from the database.

  • Some components have different end preparations on different ends.

  • To distinguish between the different types of attributes, the software uses the following icons: for standard attributes, light blue for user-defined attributes, and for component attributes. This color scheme the software uses to differentiate between standard and user-defined attributes also extends to the Material Data tree view in the main Database window and the sizes grid which appears at the bottom of the Material Builder.

  • Any data that you enter in the Attribute/Value grid applies to all the sizes specified in the sizes grid.

Material Builder Material Diagram Control

The material diagram control provides a diagrammatic representation of the currently selected material. When you click on a specific component type or item code in the main data area of the Material Builder, the diagram control displays the appropriate material. The diagram control has three tabs: Engineering, Stick Diagram, and SKEY. Each tab represents a different diagrammatic view of the component type.

  • Engineering tab displays a detailed representation of the component type with dimensions and bores labeled and is most useful to piping engineers.

  • Stick tab displays a stick diagram of the internal representation of the component type used by Smart Isometrics. The stick diagram displays a series of nodes, referred to as keypoints that are connected by lines (or sticks), referred to as legs. The following illustration shows the stick diagram for the butterfly-valve component selected in the main data area:

In a stick diagram, the software displays all legs in green. External keypoints are displayed as solid red circles, and internal keypoints are displayed as cyan circles. When you click an item code in the main data area, the stick diagram updates to display end preparations data.

You can use the stick diagram to define different end types for each keypoint. For more information, see Set different end preparations on a component.

  • SKEY tab displays the isometric representation used by Isogen and Smart Isometrics. When you click a component type in the main data area, the material diagram control displays the default SKEY (symbol key) for that component.

Material Builder Sizes Grid

The sizes grid displays the bore sizes, dimensional data, and the associated attributes that are defined in the database for the selected component type. When you create new materials, you can use the sizes grid to enter data for each individual size that you define. There are no limits to the number of sizes that the software allows; you can specify as many sizes as you need for each item code. Conversely, you can also specify only one size per item code.

To activate the sizes grid, click inside it. The cells are color-coded depending on the type of data they contain. Bore sizes display in red, lengths and dimensions display in green, standard attributes display in mid-blue, and user-defined attributes display in light blue.

Switching between the Engineering and Stick modes in the material diagram control impacts the column headings for bores and legs in the sizes grid. In Engineering mode, the column headings display as BoreA, DimA, and DimB:

In Stick mode, the column headings display as Run_1, Run_2, Leg_1 and Leg_2.

  • There is not always a one-to-one correspondence between the keypoints/legs and the bores/dims that display in the Stick and Engineering modes for every component.

For components such as supports and olets, some additional attributes are visible in Stick mode but not in Engineering mode.

Material Builder Status Bar

The panels on the status bar display information about the active database. This information is nearly identical to that displayed in the Database window status bar.


Total Displayed Materials indicates the total number of materials within the current group and filter.


Current Group specifies the item group being displayed. Initially, the item group corresponds to the current group in the active Database window. You can modify the current group data using the Show Only buttons on the toolbar. Alternatively, click Material > Show > <Component Group>.

Modifying the current group in the Material Builder impacts the current group in the active Database window.


Filter State indicates is a filter is active. When no filter is active, the panel is empty. When a filter is active, the panel displays (Filter).


Type displays what type of database is active: Specification or Catalog. If the database is a specification, the software highlights the database type in light blue. If the database is a catalog, the software highlights the database type in dark blue.


Standard indicates the active type of standard, such as ANSI, DIN, or user-specified. If no standard is defined, the panel is empty.


Default Bore Units displays the default unit of measure for all bore. If you do not specify a unit along with the bore size, the software automatically assigns the default value. A database can include both mm and in units.


Length Units identifies the unit of measure in which all lengths are displayed. A database can include only one unit of measure.


Weight Units identifies the unit of measure in which all weights are displayed. A database can include only one unit of measure.


Bolt Length Units identifies the unit of measure in which all bolt lengths are displayed. A database can include only one unit of measure.


Bolt Diameter Units identifies the unit of measure in which all bolt diameters are displayed. A database can include only one unit of measure.


Current Item Code Text Map displays the current item code text map. In a new database, the default is Default.


Current Description Text Map displays the current description text map. In a new database, the default is Default.

Pausing the pointer on a panel in the status bar displays a ToolTip.