Getting Started - Intergraph Smart Isometrics Material Editor - Help - Hexagon

Smart Isometrics Material Editor Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics Material Editor
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Material Editor Version
2019 R1 (6.1)

The Smart Isometrics Material Editor interface provides options that let you to view, create, edit, and manage your reference data, including material data files, catalogs, and piping specifications

SPMatEd WIN Main

The key interface features that you use frequently are listed below.

1 - Menu Bar

The menu bar runs across the top of the Material Editor application window. Select the name of a menu to display the menu commands. Many menu commands have equivalent toolbar icons that you can use to perform the same action.

2 - Toolbar

Provides quick and easy access to the most commonly used commands. You can use the toolbar commands instead of the menu commands. You can move the toolbars around the Material Editor window, and dock them in different locations.

Select View > Tool Bar to toggle on and off the display of the toolbar.


New creates a new database. See Create a new database.


Open opens an existing database. See Open a database.


Save saves the current database.See Save a database.


Cut Material removes the selected material from the source databases and places it on the Material Editor internal Clipboard so that it can be pasted into the destination database. See Cut and paste materials between databases.


Copy Material places a copy of the selected material from the source databases and places it on the Material Editor clipboard so that you can paste it into the destination database. See Cut, Copy, and Paste Materials Between Databases.


Paste Material pastes the material that is currently on the Material Editor clipboard into the destination database. See Cut, Copy, and Paste Materials Between Databases.

Insert Material

Insert New Material opens the Material Builder. The command is available only when the Material tab in the Database window is active. See Material Data.

Delete Material

Delete Material removes the selected material from the database. The command is available only when the Material tab in the Database window is active. See Remove a material from the database.

Edit Material

Edit Material opens the Material Builder. The command is available only when the Material tab in the Database window is active. See Edit material data.

Sort Ascending

Sort Ascending re-arranges the data in the selected column in ascending alphanumeric and numeric order. See Sort table data.

Sort Descending

Sort Descending re-arranges the data in the selected column in descending alphanumeric and numeric order. See Sort table data.


Find opens the Find and Modify Dialog, which provides options for locating specific materials in the current database. The Find command is available only when a table is open. See Find and replace table data.


Modify displays the Modifier Builder which provides options for locating specific materials in the current database. When the Text Maps or Reference Tables tabs are active, the Modify command opens the Find and Modify Dialog with the Modify tab active.

Filter Builder

Filter Builder provides options for creating a filter based on specific criteria. The Filter Builder is available only when the Materials tab is active. See Filters.

Turn On Filter

Turn ON/OFF Filter toggles on and off the application of the active filter on the current database. See Create a new filter.

Show Pipe

Show Only Pipe limits the tree view display to pipes.

SPIso ICON Fittings

Show Only Fittings limits the tree view display to fittings

Show Only Flanges limits the tree view display to flanges.

SPIso ICON Gasket

Show Only Gaskets limits the tree view display to gaskets.

SPIso ICON Valve

Show Only Valves limits the tree view display to valves.

SPIso ICON Instrument

Show Only Instruments limits the tree view display to instruments.

SPIso ICON Miscellaneous

Show Only Miscellaneous Items limits the tree view display to miscellaneous items.

SPIso ICON Support

Show Only Supports limits the tree view display to supports.

SPIso ICON Place Bolt

Show Only Bolts limits the tree view display to bolts.


Show Only Welds limits the tree view display to welds.

Additional Material Toggle

Show Only Additional Materials limits the tree view display to additional materials.

SPMatEd ICON Show All

Show All displays all the materials in the current database. When you create a new database, Show All is active by default.

SPMatEd ICON Select Material

Select Material creates a select set. See Select material data.

Clear Selection

Clear Selection removes the selected object from the select set. See Select material data.

One Click

Turn ON One Click Selection enables you to select an object once to either add or remove it from a select set. See Select material data.


Help opens the online documentation that is delivered with the software.

3 - Status Bar

Status Bar

Displays the project settings for the current database. You can change of these settings by double-clicking the status bar. Refer to Change the active project for more information about selecting projects.


Displays the isometric directory for the current database.


Displays the isometric project for the current database.