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Smart Isometrics I-View CAD Help

Intergraph Smart Isometrics I-View CAD
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This section the error and warning messages that you are likely to encounter while working in I-View CAD. Error messages are listed in alphabetical order by the first word of the message.

Errors and warnings

If I-View CAD encounters a problem while converting the selected files, the software displays an error or warning message in the Progress window. Error (in red text) and warning (in orange text) messages appear alongside the file reference.

Usually, generation failures result from any of the situations listed below.

  • Missing or incorrectly positioned components in the IDF or PCF. Often, this is the result of the pipe being modeled incorrectly in the design system software.

  • Incorrectly defined configuration files.

  • Incorrectly set folder permissions, such as a destination folder set to read-only.

When you encounter an error or warning, carefully review the content of the message to identify the problem, and then correct it in the system that produced the IDF or PCF. Afterwards, you can extract the input file and reprocess the IDF or PCF through I-View CAD to produce the output required.

  • The software often highlights the problem in the input file. To check that the pipeline looks graphically correct, open the file in Smart Isometrics. Using the 3D View commands, step through each component to verify that the pipeline is modeled using valid adjacent components.

  • If you encounter an error that is not listed, contact customer support.