Using the mouse with the software - Intergraph I-Tools - Help - Hexagon

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7.0 (2019)

Use a standard mouse or a Microsoft IntelliMouseā„¢ to quickly and efficiently select items in the software and to control and manipulate the 3D views of your input data.

  • Left-click the mouse to:

    • Rotate the graphical representation of the fileset in the Main and Pipe Details windows.

    • Select nodes and individual items in the tree view.

    • Select a menu or toolbar command.

  • Right-click the mouse button to display a shortcut menu. Shortcut menus are context-sensitive, meaning that the commands on the menu depend upon your mouse location and which elements, if any, are selected.

The tables below summarize specific mouse interactions with the software.

Mouse actions that manipulate the fileset tree view

Click the left mouse button.

Selects the node under the mouse pointer.

Hold down the CTRL key, and click the left mouse button.

Toggles on and off the selection of the node under the mouse pointer.

Hold down the SHIFT key, and click the left mouse button.

Selects all nodes between the node with focus (indicated by a dotted outline) and the node under the pointer.

Click the right mouse button.

Selects the node under the mouse pointer, and then displays the shortcut menu.

Hold down the CTRL key, and click the right mouse button.

Toggles on and off the selection of the node under the mouse pointer, and then displays the shortcut menu.

Hold down the SHIFT key, and click the right mouse button.

Selects all nodes between the node with focus and the node under the pointer, and then displays the shortcut menu.

Mouse actions that manipulate the 3D view

SHARED Tip You can perform any of the following actions with a three-button mouse; you click the middle mouse button, instead of the wheel button.

Double-click the left mouse button.

Selects an item in the 3D view (de-selects any current selection).

Hold down the SHIFT key and double-click the left mouse button.

Toggles on and off the selection of an item in the 3D view, such as when you add or remove an item from the current selection.

Hold down the left mouse button and drag the mouse.

Rotates the view Up/Down/Left/Right.

Hold down the CTRL key and the left mouse button, and then drag the mouse.

Rotates the view Up/Down/Clockwise/Counterclockwise.

Hold down the SHIFT key and the left mouse button, and then drag the mouse.

Zooms in/out.

Drag the mouse wheel button.

Pans the entire view.

Hold down the CTRL key and drag drag the mouse wheel.

Zooms in/out.

Double-click the wheel button.

Centers the view on the selected item.

Roll the mouse wheel forward and backward.

Zooms in/out around the mouse location.

Hold down the SHIFT key and the right mouse button while dragging the mouse.

Pans the view.

Hold down SHIFT + CTRL and the right mouse button while dragging the mouse.

Zooms in on the view.