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Smart API Connector for Power BI Help

Smart API Connector for Power BI
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Welcome to the Smart API Connector for Power BI (PBI) from Hexagon PPM. This connector empowers Hexagon PPM customers using Smart APIs to build powerful reports and charts. The connector is available in the September, 2020 and later releases of Microsoft Power BI Desktop and Power BI Service.

Looking for help on the older version of the connector?

If you have an older version of the connector, we recommend that you upgrade to the latest version described in this help.

If you cannot yet upgrade, you can still download documentation for the older version. To the left, click the Attachments panel to find and download the PDF. Note that the older version of the connector was downloaded and installed from Hexagon Smart Support, requiring you to configure Power BI for untrusted connectors.

This document provides information and instructions necessary to run the connector. This document is recommended for those familiar with Microsoft Power BI Desktop and Smart APIs from Hexagon PPM.

This documentation does not attempt to provide guidance on generic PBI concepts and workflows. A basic working knowledge of PBI Desktop is assumed.

The connector lets you connect to Smart APIs from Hexagon PPM to get data. The connector also provides special Power Query functions, allowing you to access Smart API features based on extended (OData+) protocols.

The following sections show you how to connect to a Smart API and use the special functions.

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Published Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 10:42 PM