Configure a SmartPlant Foundation site for SPO Project Execution from the command line - SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators - Installation & Upgrade

SPO Project Execution Installation and Configuration

SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner Operators
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Installation & Upgrade
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

You can configure a SmartPlant Foundation site for SPO Project Execution using the Windows command prompt.

The Server Manager executable file, SPFServerManager.exe, is delivered within the product installation folder. By default, it is located at [Product Folder]\SmartPlant\Foundation\SPFServerManager.

Use SPFServerManager.exe with the /configureSPOPE argument to configure a SmartPlant Foundation site for SPO Project Execution.

This example configures a site named SPO2019.

spfservermanager.exe /configureSPOPE /sn:SPO2019

Similar arguments can be used to update or remove SPO Project Execution on a SmartPlant Foundation site.

spfservermanager.exe /updateSPOPE /sn:SPO2019

spfservermanager.exe /removeSPOPE /sn:SPO2019

Use the /log: argument to generate a log file that stores results and errors from the operation. Specify a path and file name for the target log file (an extension is not required for the file name).

spfservermanager.exe /configureSPOPE /sn:SPO2019 /log:C:\temp\SPOconfigureSPOPE

spfservermanager.exe /updateSPOPE /sn:SPO2019 /log:C:\temp\SPOupdateSPOPE

spfservermanager.exe /removeSPOPE /sn:SPO2019 /log:C:\temp\SPOremoveSPOPE