Relationship management - SmartPlant Foundation - Version 2019 (10.0) - Administration & Configuration

SPO Manual Configuration Reference

SmartPlant Foundation
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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

You can create relationships in SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client through drag-and-drop operations. Multiple disparate objects can be dragged onto a single object to create a disparate set of relationships.

Access groups can be related to relationship definitions, and are used to control relationship navigation, creation, and termination with optional conditions further qualifying the access.

You can enable users to create relationships either by dragging a file onto a document or create a document by dragging a file onto a document class by performing the following steps:

  1. Click Find > Schema > Relationship Definition to find the SPFFileComposition relationship definition.

  2. Right-click the SPFFileComposition relationship definition, and click Manage Access Groups.

  3. In the Manage Access Groups- SPFFileComposition dialog box, set the Drop12 and Drop21 values to True for the relevant access group. By default, DMSUpdate access group is related to the SPFFileComposition relationship definition. In this case, set Drop12 and Drop21 values to True for the DMSUpdate access group.