Calibration due - HxGN EAM - Help - Hexagon

Report EAM

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HxGN EAM Version


Displays a list of all open calibration work orders containing test points for which the planned completion date is less than or equal to the Due By date.

The system calculates the planned completion date of a work order using the following formula:

Planned completion date = (Target date + Duration) - 1

If you select to include backlogged work orders, the system displays the number of days late for each work order in the report output. The system calculates the number of days late using the following formula:

Days late = System date – Planned completion date

The System field in the report output displays all of the systems above the selected System/Equipment in an equipment hierarchy. If the selected System/Equipment has more than one parent in a hierarchy, the system displays each parent and separates each code with a forward slash (/), e.g., SYS1/SYS2/SYS3.

Menu Path

Work > Reports > Calibrations > Calibration Due Report


Specify the Organization, Department, System, Equipment, Class, Category, Equipment Criticality, and Assigned To.

No Backlog - Select to not print work orders whose planned completion date is less than today’s date.

Show MEC Details - Select to display MEC work order details for multiple equipment work orders.

Sort By - Select to sort by Planned Comp. Date or Equipment.

Due By - Specify the due date for the calibration.

Report Type
