Notes and Known Issues - PAS PlantState Integrity - 10 - Release Notes/Bulletin - Intergraph

PlantState Integrity Release Notes

PAS PlantState Integrity
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Release Notes/Bulletin

The following sections describe known issues related to this version of the product.

Alarm & Event Journal Views

Some complex Alarm & Event Journal views created using PSI Windows client may not be functional on the Web client.

PSI Server Shutdown

In isolated cases, the pas*.exe applications remain running after the pasExecutive PSI service is shut down.

Data Imports - Foxboro I/A OpAreaBit Tool

Due to PSI database modifications, Foxboro I/A systems where the Invensys OpAreaBit tool has been implemented lose the ability to filter on the OpAreaBit within PSI Alarm and Event Analysis. This issue is being addressed jointly between PAS and Invensys/Schneider through the definition of Operational Areas on the Point Configuration import. Strict diligence must be applied to ensure the alarm group to device definition is maintained the same as previously defined in the OpAreaBit Tool from Invensys such that the Operational Areas defined match the original OpAreaBit definition. Filters containing the OpAreaBit need to be manually modified to use the new Operational Area definition.

Experion Event Time Stamps

Experion R201 is not supported to run with the automated daylight savings setting enabled. Because of this issue, even though the time stamps of the events appear correctly on the OPC server itself, for any external client, including PSI, the time stamps are offset by one hour during Daylight Savings Time. A field is available in the Import Configuration to adjust the time stamps by the necessary interval during Daylight Savings Time. This field needs to be manually adjusted at the time changes.

API Change: Updated Alarm Shelving

The WSAlarmShelving Web Service call has been updated. The Priority XML attribute in the GetStatusXml method now contains the priority name instead of the OPC value. For example, when using this method, instead of a value of 1 you might see HIGH for the priority in the XML.