The following instructions illustrate how to configure a hierarchy in the PAS Dashboard to represent a Plant structure. Building a hierarchy using this method causes the PAS Dashboard to ignore the default hierarchy of data owners in PSI and use this one instead. You can then associate a PSI parameter set (which defines the area, unit, or operator position) with the lowest location nodes in the hierarchy. Then, you can export the custom hierarchy and import it on additional PSI servers in the environment.
Your goal is to build a simple hierarchy that represents your plant hierarchy. The top node is the plant name. Each node below it is a location within the plant such as a plant area or unit. In this example, you are building the following hierarchy:
To configure a custom hierarchy separate from the default PSI hierarchy:
Start the PAS Dashboard Configuration program by either double-clicking on the desktop icon or by clicking Windows Start > All Programs > PAS > Dashboard Configuration.
Click PSI Server at the top of the Dashboard Configuration program. The PSI Server window is displayed.
Click Edit Custom Hierarchy.
Click Add Root.
Type the name of the root node, such as MyPlant, and then click OK. The node is added to the Custom Hierarchy field with a red X icon, which indicates you have not finished defining the node as a location. If you add a child location, this node icon becomes a folder with no location information.
Create the area nodes under the MyPlant node by completing the following steps for each area node you want to create:
Click the MyPlant node in the Custom Hierarchy field.
Click Add Child to start creating a child node.
Type the name of the area, such as Chemicals Unit, and then click OK.
Create the location nodes under the Chemicals Unit node by completing the following steps for each location node you want to create:
Click the Chemicals Unit node in the Custom Hierarchy field.
Click Add Child to start creating a child node.
Type the name of the location, such as Train 1 Operator, and then click OK.
In PSI Server next to the Custom Hierarchy field, select the PSI Server for this location. This property specifies the name of the PSI Server where the location resides.
If you want to define the location with a data owner, select the data owner and parameter set you want. The Parameter Set field specifies the name of the parameter set that defines the data node, such as the operator position. This property represents the full path to the parameter set. If you leave the Parameter Set field blank, the PAS Dashboard attempts to use the Dashboard DO Data parameter set. When you finish, the icon indicates the node location refers to a data owner.
If you want to define the node with a parameter set, click the Parameter Set radio button and then select the parameter set you want. This field specifies the name of the parameter set that defines the data node, such as the operator position. This property represents the full path to the parameter set. When you finish, the icon indicates the node location refers to a parameter set.
If you create a location you do not need, right-click on the node in the tree, and then click Delete.
When you complete the configuration of the hierarchy for PSI data, click Save and Next Step.
Define the PSI product settings in the PAS Dashboard to use the custom hierarchy you created. For more information, see Setting Global Application Settings. You also need to run the calculations to incorporate the custom hierarchy.
If you want to deploy this custom hierarchy throughout a site, export the hierarchy and then import it to other PSI servers in the site:
Go to Dashboard Configuration > PSS Server, and click Export Tree.
Select a location and name for the JSON file.
Have the file available to other PSI Servers where you want to replicate the hierarchy.
On additional PSI Servers in the site, go to Dashboard Configuration > PSS Server, and click Import Tree.
Select the JSON file you created in the export step.
Click Save.
After this process is complete, you should see your new hierarchy when you click on the location in the PAS Dashboard. You may need to reset IIS to make sure nothing remains cached. If everything calculates correctly, your PAS Dashboard widgets should reflect data relative to each location.