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Metadata Import Utility Help

Intergraph Smart Engineering Manager
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Smart Engineering Manager Version

This section covers common problems and their solutions when using the Metadata Import Utility.

The following log files are generated when performing actions in the utility:

Log File Type



File Naming Convention

Trace log

Lists all ribbon bar messages generated during the current session

..\Users\<User Name>\AppData\ Local\Temp\Intergraph\MDI\TraceLogs\

MetadataImportApplication.log or MetadataImportApplication.<yyyy-mm-dd>.n.log where n is an integer

Validation report log

Describes in detail the data items that failed the import process

..\Users\<User Name>\AppData\ Local\Temp\Intergraph\MDI\Reports\

<Excel file name> - ValidationReport.log

Connection to Database

Problem: Message is displayed in the ribbon: 'Cannot connect to database.'

Cause 1: You do not have the correct permissions for connecting to the database.

Solution: Contact your database administrator to request permissions.

Cause 2: Database is unavailable at time of connection.

Solution: Check the database connection using the appropriate database tools.

Problem: Message is displayed in the ribbon: 'Install 32-bit OLEDB Driver on this machine.'

Cause: Microsoft Excel is not installed on the machine where you are running the utility.

Solution: Excel must be installed on the machine where the Metadata Import Utility is installed in order for the utility to work properly.

Importing the Excel File

Problem: Message is displayed in the ribbon: 'One or more of the header names in the Excel sheet is incorrect.'

Cause: The value in one or more of the headers in the Excel sheet has been changed.

Solution: Change the headers back to their original values or copy your data into a clean Excel file specially prepared for metadata import.

Problem: Message is displayed in the ribbon: 'One or more sheets are missing in the Excel file.'

Cause: One or more of the sheets in the Excel file is missing or its name was changed.

Solution: Change the sheet names back to their original values or copy your data into a clean Excel file specially prepared for metadata import.

Problem: Message is displayed in the ribbon: 'Product selected in Excel file for importing is different from product associated with plant.'

Cause: The product selected in the Table of Contents Excel worksheet is not associated with the plant to which the Metadata Import Utility is connected.

Solution: Select the correct product in the Excel file and then re-import the file.

Import Validation

Problem: Message is displayed in the ribbon: 'File imported with errors.'

Cause: File data does not match the data model.

Solution: View the errors in the validation report log file, then after correcting data values in the Excel file, re-import the file.

Save to Database

Problem: Message is displayed in the ribbon: 'Cannot save to database.'

Causes: Multiple

Solution: Check the database connection using the appropriate database tools. If this does not resolve the problem, send the trace log file to customer support.