Weld Numbers - Isogen - Reference

Isogen Isometric Drawing Options Reference

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Smart 3D Version
11 (2016)
Isogen Control Panel Version
Isogen Version

This options group is not available when you are viewing a Smart 3D cable tray isometric drawing style or Smart 3D HVAC isometric drawing style, such as Iso_Cabletray or Iso_HVAC, respectively.

Defines the assignment of weld enclosures. You can define up to six enclosure definitions, each of which can apply to one or more of the six weld types. You can also use the Enclosure Editor to modify the style, shape, and label length of an existing weld enclosure definition. The editor can also be used to define additional enclosure assignments.

Section 1: Show weld number enclosures for

Specifies which of the six weld types are shown on the isometric drawing. This section also defines which enclosure definitions are shown in the summary and can be edited. Weld enclosure assignments are specified by selecting and clearing the checkboxes.

  • All welds assigns the enclosure definition to pipe and support welds across all categories (Fabrication, Erection, and Offshore).

  • Pipe welds assigns the enclosure definition to pipe welds only across all categories. To exclude a category, clear its checkbox. In the example below, Offshore pipe welds are excluded from the enclosure assignment.

  • Support welds assigns the enclosure definition to support welds only across all categories. To exclude a category, clear its checkbox. In the example below, only Fabrication support welds are assigned a weld enclosure.

Section 2: Configure enclosure settings

Shows a preview of all currently defined weld enclosures (1) and includes a summary of the selected weld types to which each enclosure applies (2).

Section 2 also provides access to the Enclosure Editor.

Enclosure Editor

Provides options for modifying an existing enclosure definition and for creating a new definition. Click Edit enclosure definitionsCollapse ICP to open the Enclosure Editor.

  • Add Enclosure opens an enclosure panel so that you can define a new weld enclosure.

  • Enclosure style specifies the weld enclosure type. The available types are simple, extended, or one of the four special extended types.

    • Simple Enclosure represents an enclosure with a single field that shows the weld number and prefix, if set.

    • Extended Enclosure is a segmented enclosure. Each segment contains a weld attribute. An extended enclosure can have up to 10 segments.

  • Special Extended Enclosure is an enclosure with two, three, or four segments. Each segment contains a weld attribute. Available segment arrangements are shown below:

  • Enclosure shape specifies the shape of the enclosure. Available shapes depend on the selected enclosure type.

  • Label length controls the number of characters used for a simple enclosure. Valid entries are from 1 to 8 characters and Variable size, which dynamically sizes the enclosure. The default setting is 2. This option appears only when a simple enclosure type is select for Enclosure style.

  • Attribute specifies the attribute that appears in the enclosure. This option appears only when an extended or special extended enclosure type is selected for Enclosure style.

  • Width controls the number of characters displayed in each segment. Select a number in the list. This option appears only when an extended or special extended enclosure type is selected for Enclosure style.

  • Force all welds as special applies only to objects with Enclosure style set to one of the special extended enclosure types.

Select the checkbox to force all welds to adopt the special layout for their enclosure. This option appears only when an extended enclosure type is selected for Enclosure style.

To allow the generation of an enclosure containing only the weld number, when the data for all the other fields in an enclosure are missing, clear the checkbox.

  • Add a segment adds a segment to the enclosure and displays an additional Attribute and Width list so that you can define the content to appear in the segment. This option displays only when the non-special extended enclosure is selected in the Enclosure style list.

  • Apply enclosure to displays a summary of the welds selected in Section 1.

Click Hide to close the Enclosure Editor.