Detail Sketches in Drawings - Isogen - Help

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Detail sketches are small inserted drawings that provide additional details for components. The sketches are typically used to show more information about hangers and supports, branch connections, support lugs, and special welds.

This functionality is applicable only to piping isometric drawings.

To include detail sketches on your drawing, you must prepare symbols in a graphics package such as SmartSketch, AutoCAD, or MicroStation. Then, you can specify options that control various characteristics of the detail sketch, such as the text formatting and placement. You also must map the sketches to part class names of components. If a component belonging to a specified part class is in the drawing, the software prints a callout next to the component, and the sketch is included on the drawing. An example detail sketch follows.

The software delivers example detail sketch templates to each client in the [Product Folder]\Drawings\Templates\DetailSketches folder. These templates provide an easy way to set up detail sketches for testing and review. The sketches are the proper size with correct positioning of labels, so you can save time by re-using these templates when creating your own.

Informational notes are similar to detail sketches. These notes refer to pipelines, spools, or components in the drawing. An example informational note follows.