Create a project in Integrated Development Environment - Intergraph Smart WQMS - 5.0 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart Weld Quality Management System Custom Reports

Intergraph Smart WQMS
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Customization & Programming
Smart WQMS Version

Create a new project in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) as a class library with:

  • .NET version as 4.6

  • Default name space "<empty>"

The following dlls must be referred while creating the project. These dlls are delivered with Weld Quality Management System, located in the installation path …\\SmartPlant Foundation 2018 Server Files\Web_Sites\Server_Name\bin:

  • Reference dlls

  • Intergraph.SPF.Common.Services

  • Intergraph.SPF.Services.FoundationServices

  • SPFServerModuleCore

  • Intergraph.SPF.Services.WQMSService

  • Intergraph.WQMS.Services.WQMSService.Contracts

Use Name Space as Intergraph.SPF.Services.WQMSService.Classes for each class.