Create or modify additional objects while loading data from Excel - Intergraph Smart WQMS - 6 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart Weld Quality Management System Administration

Intergraph Smart WQMS
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Administration & Configuration
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You can create or modify additional objects (for example, weld components and weld groups are created or updated while loading welds and so forth) while loading objects from Excel sheet.

  1. Open WQMS-Admin Excel file.

  2. Navigate to WQMSLoadMappingDef sheet > WQMSLoadMappingDef section and edit the following properties:

    • UID - Type a unique identifier and copy it in the required field in the ColumnSet sheet.

      For example, WQMSLoadMap_PipingWeldLoading.

    • Name - Type a name for the property.

      For example, PipingWeldLoading.

    • Description - Provide the description for the object.

    • ContainerID - Defines the package or .xml file that contains the object.

    • Solution(s) - Type * to load the data to SPF database, or type Deleted to avoid loading the data to SPF database.

  3. In WQMSLoadObjectMapping section, edit the properties like interface class definition and its type of mapping:

    • UID - Type a unique identifier for the object.

      For example, WQMSLoadObjMap_WeldLoading_WeldGroup.

    • Name - Type a name for the property.

      For example, Weld Loading_Weld Group.

    • Description - Provide the description for the object.

    • WQMSLoadObjectMap_ClassDefUID - Specify the UID of class definition to define the class for the object.

    • WQMSLoadObjectMap_CreatedInterfaces - Provide the default value to create the relationship or interface that must be mapped to the object.

    • WQMSLoadObjectMap_RelDefToBaseObject - Define the path or the direction of mapping based on the relationships assigned to the object.

      For example:

      If you enter + before the base object, then the properties are mapped from end1 to end2 (UID1 to UID2). The UID1 and UID2 are defined on the object in the schema file.

      If you enter - before the base object, then the properties are mapped from end2 to end1 (UID2 to UID1). The UID1 and UID2 are defined on the object in the schema file.

    • WQMSLoadObjectMap_RelDefShortName - Add a short name for the UID of the relation created for this object, and other property, object or relationship.

    • WQMSLoadObjectMap_UpdateType - Specify the type of update for the object, such as,

      • CreateMappings (for creating new objects, relationships between source and target objects, and properties from source objects to target objects. For example, to create weld components from welds).

      • UpdateFromMappings (for updating new objects, create relationships from existing objects. For example, to update properties of weld components on to the welds)

      • UpdateMappings (for updating, including to update the existing objects with new properties from source objects using the existing relationships. For example, to update the inspection results from Material Verification from components on to the welds).

    • ContainerID - Defines the package or .xml file that contains the object.

    • Solution(s) - Type * to load the data to SPF database, or type Deleted to avoid loading the data to SPF database.

  4. In WQMSLoadMapDefObjectMap section, define the relationship between WQMSLoadMappingDef and WQMSLoadObjectMapping:

    • UID - UID1.UID2.

      For example, QMSLoadMap_PipingWeldLoading.WQMSLoadObjMap_WeldLoading_WeldGroup.

    • UID1 - Specify the UID of WQMSLoadMappingDef. to create the relationship between the object in UID1 and object in UID2.

    • UID2 - Specify the UID of WQMSLoadObjectMapping. to create the relationship between the object in UID1 and object in UID2.

    • Order Value - Specify the order in which the relationships must display based on increasing value of OrderValue.

    • ContainerID - Defines the package or .xml file that contains the object.

    • Solution(s) - Type * to load the data to SPF database, or type Deleted to avoid loading the data to SPF database.

  5. In WQMSLoadPropertyMapping section, update the values of one property of an object on another property of same or different object:

    • UID - Type a unique identifier for the object.

      For example, WQMSLoadPropMap_CompLoading_CompGroup_Name.

    • Name - Define the name of the properties on WQMSLoadPropertyMapping.

      For example, CompLoading_CompGroup_Name.

    • Description - Provide the description for the object.

    • WQMSLoadPropMap_SourceInterface - Provide the source interface group from which the property in the UID should be identified.

    • WQMSLoadPropMap_SourceProperty - Provide the source property from the source interface group which must be mapped to the target property.

    • WQMSLoadPropMap_TargetInterface - Provide the target interface in which the target property is present.

    • WQMSLoadPropMap_TargetProperty - Provide the property on to which the source property must be mapped from the source interface.

    • ContainerID - Defines the package or .xml file that contains the object.

    • Solution(s) - Type * to load the data to SPF database, or type Deleted to avoid loading the data to SPF database.

  6. In WQMSObjectMapPropertyMap section, define the relationship between WQMSLoadObjectMapping and WQMSLoadPropertyMapping:

    • UID - UID1.UID2.

      For example, WQMSLoadObjMap_CustomISOLoading.WQMSLoadPropMap_WQMSWeldGroup_Drawing1Numbr

    • UID1 - Specifies the UID of WQMSLoadObjectMapping to create the relationship between the object in UID1 and object in UID2.

    • UID2 - Specifies the UID of WQMSLoadPropertyMapping to create the relationship between the object in UID1 and object in UID2.

    • OrderValue - Specify the order in which the relationships must display based on increasing value of OrderValue.

    • ContainerID - Defines the package or .xml file that contains the object.

    • Solution(s) - Type * to load the data to SPF database, or type Deleted to avoid loading the data to SPF database.