Modify Fabrication modules properties (Piping and Structural discipline) - Intergraph Smart WQMS - 5.0 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart Weld Quality Management System Administration

Intergraph Smart WQMS
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Administration & Configuration
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  1. Open the WQMS-Modules Excel file.

  2. Navigate to InspectionDef sheet > WQMSInspectionDef section, modify the following properties:

    • UID - Type a unique identifier for the module in the UID syntax.

    • Name - Type a name for the module.

    • Description - Provide a short description of the module.

    • WQMSModuleName - Type a name for the module that must be displayed in the UI.

    • WQMSModuleDisplayDescription - Provide the tool tip to describe the module.

    • WQMSModuleImage - Specify the icon name for the module. You can use only the existing icons within the module.

    • WQMSModuleViewClass - Specify the view (Column Set-Column Items) for a module or submodule.

    • WQMSInspectionModuleType - Specify the discipline name of the module. For piping, enter PIP and for structural enter STR.

    • WQMSInspectionType - Specify the inspection type.

    • WQMSNOIFormUID - Specify the UID for the form to create an NOI. To create a UID, refer to Define a UID for NOI and ROI forms.

    • WQMSNOIClassDef - Specify the class name of the module.

    • WQMSNOIGridColumnSet - Specify the column-set UID for the NOI.

    • WQMSNOIInspItemsProperty - By default, type WQMSInspItemData for this property.

    • WQMSROIFormUID - Specify the UIDs of the two forms to create ROIs, one from NOI and other from drawings. These two UIDs must be separated with a # symbol.
      For example, FRM_WQMSROI_FUP_Structure_Form#FRM_WQMSROI_Drawing_FUP_Structure_Form.
      For UIDs, refer to Define a UID for NOI and ROI forms.

    • WQMSROIClassDef - Specify the class name of the module ROI.

    • WQMSRROIGridColumnSet - Specify the column-set UID for the ROI.

    • WQMSNOIQualificationProperty - This property value must be empty.

    • WQMSROIAcceptanceProperty - Set this property to accepted, to complete the ROI. You can provide multiple properties and separate them with a | symbol.
      For example, WQMSWeld_MATERV_Result1|WQMSWeld_MATERV_Result2.

    • WQMSNOIInspItemsColumnSet - Specify the column-set UID for Manage Inspection Items for NOI. To display Welder List column set, provide the column-set UIDs and separate them with a # symbol.
      For example, CS_WQMSSTRMVFUNOIComp_ColumnSet#CS_WQMSWeldEdgeInfo_ColumnSet.

    • WQMSROIInspItemsColumnSet - Specify the column-set UID for Manage Inspection Items for ROI. To display Welder List column set, provide the column sets UIDs and separate them with a # symbol.
      For example, CS_WQMSSTRMVFUROIComp_ColumnSet#CS_WQMSWeldEdgeInfo_ColumnSet.

    • WQMSWeldRepairEntries - Specify the repair Enum entries.
      For example, RepairSegment, Reweld, or DoNothing. To provide multiple values, separate them with a comma (,)

    • WQMSInspectionItemsClassDef - Specify the class definition for Manage Inspection Items.

    • WQMSInspItemsDisciplineProp - Specify the discipline property for Manage Inspection Items.

    • WQMSInspDefApplicableWhen - Specify if the welds are applicable for this module.
      For example, WQMSWeld_FUP_IsPreWHTReq~ELT_WQMSYorNA_Y. When the IsPreWHTReq is set to Y, the welds appear in this module.

    • WQMSIsInInspectionProperty - Specify it as WQMSWeld_IsInInspection. Set to TRUE, when NOI or ROI is created.

    • WQMSInspRejectResetColumnset - Specify the UID for the column-set that contains some of the rejected weld properties. The rejected weld has a repair segment status.

    • WQMSInspCutResetColumnset - Specify the UID for the column-set that contains some of the rejected weld properties. The rejected weld has a reweld status.

    • WQMSInspUserProperty - Specify the property name on which the user name must be stamped while accepting or rejecting a weld.
      To stamp the user name on the welder list, specify the property name separated with a # symbol.

    • WQMSInspDateProperty - Specify the property name on which the inspection date must be stamped while accepting or rejecting a weld.
      To stamp the date on the welder list, specify the property name separated with a # symbol.

    • WQMSInspRejectReasonProperty - Specify the property name on which the accept or reject reason must be stamped while accepting or rejecting a weld.
      To stamp the accept or reject reason on the welder list, specify the property name separated with a # symbol.

    • WQMSInspReportNumberProperty - Specify the property name on which the inspection report number must be stamped while accepting or rejecting a weld.

    • Solution(s) - Type * to load the data to SPF database, or type Deleted to avoid loading the data to SPF database.

    • ContainerID - Defines the package or .xml file that contains the object.

  3. Save the file.