Measure (Tablet Mode) - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

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Intergraph Smart Review
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

Tablet Mode > Measure

Toggles measurement on and off from any point on a piece of geometry to the next selected object or point. Surface points can be any point on any piece of geometry in the shading modes, not including background points.

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Select any two points on the model representing the distance to measure. You can select multiple points on the model and the distance is always measured between the last two points.

  1. Tap Measure .
    You can also press Ctrl+F8 to enable the command.

  2. Tap the first point on the model, and then tap the second point on the model to see the distance measurement.

  3. Continue tapping each required point to see each distance measurement.

  4. You can toggle between stopping measurements and resuming by tapping Measure on and off. When you stop measurement, you can perform other operations such as changing your view and selecting other objects. When you resume measuring, the measurement continues from the last selected point.

  5. To remove the last measurement point, tap Measure to turn it off, and then press CTRL+M on your touch keyboard.
    To remove all measurements, tap Measure to turn it off, and then press CTRL+D.

You can also tap Reset to remove measurements, however, Reset also removes clipped areas, closes additional windows, and returns the display to the default or custom home view.

See Also

Move Measurement
Delete Last Measurement
Restore Measurement Position