Place Annotation Dialog Box - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

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Intergraph Smart Review
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
Smart Review Version
2020 (15.0)

Specifies the contents, font, and color of annotation labels as well as the appearance of annotation leader lines.

Use these settings for annotations to follow

Sets the current settings as the default for subsequent text annotations. This option is available only when using the Accessories > Text Annotations > Place > Many command.


Inserts new values into the field, which represents the annotation text to be displayed in the Main view. You can edit the entire contents in the annotation field by highlighting all the lines in the field and either selecting a data attribute or typing in the new information. To add or append information, place your cursor in the field to start and then either type the new text. You can also type in a URL address (such as to access a valid website, or open a document (file:///[drive]:\[folder name]\[file name]). The information and hyperlink can be accessed from the Text window (Window > Text).

Data attribute

Lists the available attributes for the object. The selected attribute is placed in the Annotation field. You can add multiple data attributes and place them on separate lines by placing your cursor in the annotation field at the end of a preceding line. The selected data attribute is appended onto the next line in the field.

Display options


Determines whether a leader line should display with the annotation.


Determines whether an arrow should display with the annotation. This option is not available if you have turned off the Leader option.


Determines whether the background should display on the annotation label.

Label Name

Determines whether the label name should display for a data attribute.


Positional Units

Determines whether the positional unit should display. If this option is not checked, only the master unit (MU) and sub unit (SU) display for the location of the leader. This option displays or is enabled instead of Label Name when all of the following conditions are met:

A Display Leader Point attribute is selected.

The current format readout is MU:SU:PU (see Format Readouts Command).

The file is a PDS project file.


Stores the created text annotation in the project database. If you turn off this option, Smart Review does not save the text annotation when you exit.



Specifies a color for the annotation text.


Specifies a color for the annotation background.


Specifies a color for the annotation line.

Global Settings

The Font and Bring to front options apply to all text annotations in your model. For example, if you change the font type for one annotation, the font type automatically changes for all text annotations.

The exception is the font color. When you use the Text display option or Font option to change the text color, the setting is specific to the current text annotation being placed or edited.

Bring to front

Causes all text annotations to be drawn in front of the model when selected. This option allows you to use 3D text annotations as 2D markups of a particular view point. This option is not active by default. When un-selected, all text annotations are drawn within the model.

The image below shows three text annotations with the Bring to Front option selected.

When you clear the Bring to front option, the text annotations now display behind the model graphics as shown below.


Specifies the font to use for the current text annotation being placed or edited. The default setting uses the System font. You can select any font type currently available on your system as well as the size, underline, strike-out, and color options.

  • Installed fonts can vary from system to system. If the project database is used on a different system, the closest available font to the selected one is used.

  • Changing a font may also change the displayed characters. Make sure you select a font that supports your locale.