Save As VUE File - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

Intergraph Smart Review Help

Intergraph Smart Review
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
7.1 (2018 R1)
Smart Review Version

File > Save As

Saves the project in a .vue format. A .vue file is a container file that allows you to quickly read and change data. This format dramatically decreases the required time to read in large models, and all of the data associated with the model. This command is not active if you have a .zvf or .svf project file open.

To use this functionality, you must install the Application Programming Interface (API) module.

  1. (Optional) Select Display Sets > Material Persistence to save any material changes you have made to display sets in the new .vue file.

  2. Open the model to save as a .vue file.

  3. (Optional) On the Options tab of the Create Project dialog box, click Reduce VUE file geometry memory. When you use the Save As command, this option allows Smart Review to create a potentially smaller VUE file. Smart Review reduces geometry representations as much as possible without losing the rendering compatibility between all SmartPlant Enterprise applications. This option can, however, cause a longer load time.

  4. Click File > Save As.

  5. Type a file name.

    To avoid confusion, we recommend assigning the same name to the DRI and VUE files (for example, mymodel.dri and mymodel.vue).

  6. Select a destination folder.

  7. Click Save.

  • If you modify your .dri file by adding or removing files, you need to reopen the .dri file. This action confirms that the software properly reads in the new data related to the .dri file information.

  • If you make new material assignments when running in a .vue file, you must save a new .vue file to retain those new material assignments.

  • When you use the Save As command on a .vue file originally produced by Smart 3D, the resulting .vue file is smaller. The new, smaller .vue file also loads faster and requires less memory than the original Smart 3D .vue file.

  • Smart Review does not save the active ground plane.

See Also

Load VUE Files
Add VUE Files