Save Rendered Models As FBX Files - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

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Intergraph Smart Review
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
7.1 (2018 R1)
Smart Review Version

Use the Renderer window Save As command to convert the rendered model display to third-party formats such as .fbx. You can then download the appropriate third-party viewer to see the resulting file. This command applies to .vue, .svf, and .zvf project files.

  1. From the Main view, define the model area for rendering, and select View > Photo-Realism > Renderer to load and render the model or selected objects.

    The status bar at the bottom of the window shows the raytrace progress.

  2. You can click the Unlock/Lock toggle to lock the Renderer window display so that you can move around and make modifications in the Main view without affecting or causing the Renderer window to update.

  3. When you have finished making changes in the Main view, click the Unlock/Lock toggle to unlock the Renderer window display.

    The Renderer automatically synchronizes with the Main view contents and renders the model or selected objects.

  4. To save the rendered model view, click Save As on the Renderer window.

  5. Select the binary (bin).fbx or ASCII (txt).fbx file filter type, and then enter the file name and location. Click Save.

  6. Use a third-party .fbx viewer to open the model.

See Also

Configure Render Window Settings
Export Main View to FBX