Snapshot View Dialog Box - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

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Intergraph Smart Review
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
7.1 (2018 R1)
Smart Review Version

Creates an image file (or snapshot file) of any size by taking a snapshot of the current Main view. Image files can be saved in .bmp, .tif, .jpg, and .png formats. If you do not specify a format, then the image is saved as a .bmp image. The minimum snapshot size is 10 x 10 pixels.


Specifies the area to include in the snapshot. Example selections include Main view, Application Window, and Entire Screen.


Ignore aspect

Specifies whether to ignore the aspect ratio of the selected extent or to stretch the image to fix the specified height and width.


Specifies the aspect ratio between the height and width of the snapshot image.


Specifies the width in pixels of the snapshot image.


Specifies the height of the snapshot image in pixels. If the Ignore aspect option is off, the Width, Height, and Scale in the Dimensions box are limited by the aspect ratio of the Main view. So if you change one field, the other fields change accordingly. If you turn the toggle on, the Scale field is disabled and set to its default value. You can then change Width and Height values.


Raytrace image

Performs a raytrace and saves the raytraced image to a file. A snapshot of the the raytraced image shows only the 3D model objects and elements. Other items that can display in the Main view such as measurements, comments, timestamp, and the view axis are not captured in the snapshot. To use this option, you must install the Photo-Realism module.


Creates a 360 degree spherical image that you can upload to a third party application for viewing. This spherical image allows you to see the model as if you were standing in the place where the snapshot was taken. You can then move the eye point around to look left, right, up, and down.

Rotate 90 degrees

Allows the rotation of output by 90 degrees. If the Rotate 90 degrees toggle is on, the output image rotates 90 degrees (clockwise) for plotting purposes. If you capture the image without the capture form, Smart Review scans the screen image from left-to-right, instead of top-to-bottom.


Sets the anti-alias value for the snapshot. The Anti-alias value determines how much data is captured and averaged to produce the snapshot size and to provide a smoother image. If Anti-alias is set to 2, then Smart Review captures and averages twice as much data for the width and height. If you multiply the Anti- alias value by the Scale value and square the result, the end answer is the number of "Main views" of data that Smart Review processes. The Anti-alias field defaults to 1, which means that no anti-aliasing occurs.

  • The Visuals tab is only available in Tablet mode and only enabled if Smart Review is using graphics card acceleration.

  • Anti-aliasing uses your system’s display adapter to smooth surfaces in the model. You can use Anti-alias in the Main view by itself or in combination with Shadows and Outline settings in which the outline width is set to 2 or 3.

  • Ambient Occlusion is not supported for snapshots.

Output File name

Indicates the path and file name where you want to save the snapshot. If you do not want to use the default information in the File name box, type the appropriate path and name of the file. A Browse button is available for navigating to the correct location.

On-site drawing generation

Use SmartSketch

Opens the snapshot in SmartSketch as well as save the snapshot to a file. To use this functionality, you must install the On-Site Drawing Generation module.

Template file name

Specifies the SmartSketch template used to open the snapshot. You can use the default information in the Template file name box, or select the required path and name of the template file for the snapshot.

Reset All

Resets all snapshot properties to preset defaults.

  • If you are trying to get a higher resolution output, but you have less than the recommended screen resolution, click Single View Layout on the Window toolbar. You can then use Snapshot with a higher Anti-alias setting.

  • Be sure that you have sufficient hard disk space for using high-resolution printing. The general rule of thumb for calculating print file size is:

    Bytes = Image Pixel Height * Anti-Alias Setting * Image Pixel Width * Anti-Alias Setting * 4 Bytes Per Pixel (BMPA)

  • If using background image, multiple again by 2.

  • Generating a high resolution snapshot with an anti-alias setting of 4 and background images enabled requires a large amount of contiguous memory. Smart Review needs enough main memory (even after utilizing virtual memory or swap space) for this operation to succeed.

  • Some features are not recommended in high-resolution printing, especially when Anti-alias settings are greater than 1. These features include measurements and data annotations.

  • If Smart Review cannot acquire enough contiguous memory, it displays a message box providing you with an option to use a less memory-intensive technique. If you click Yes, Smart Review acquires the biggest contiguous memory that the system has available, renders the image, and performs the anti-aliasing using this technique. It then generates the output. The drawbacks to the less memory-intensive method are that it is calculation intensive, provides less anti-alias effect, and you can experience a loss of details for small images.

  • Taking snapshots of collision detection results using Wireframe highlight and an Anti-alias set greater than 1 is not supported. For more information, see Report Collision Detection Results Dialog Box.

See Also

Take a Snapshot