Lighten Shadows - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

Intergraph Smart Review Help

Intergraph Smart Review
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
7.1 (2018 R1)
Smart Review Version
  1. Click View > Photo-Realism > Edit Source Lights.

  2. Select the light that you want to edit.

  3. Click the Effects tab on the Edit Source Lights dialog box.

  4. Click the Edit button and change the color to be a lower percentage of its maximum value.

    For example, instead of pure white (RGB=255, 255, 255), use a 25% white (RGB=64, 64, 64).

  5. Ensure the Cast shadows option is selected.

  6. Place a source light of the same type as the one edited in the exact same location with the exact same interest point.

  7. On the Effects tab, edit the color of the second light to make up the difference in the percentage of the maximum light when combined with the first light.

    For the previous example, you would use a 75% white (RGB=128, 128, 128).

  8. Disable the Cast shadows option.

  • When you raytrace, the results appear to be the same as if you used a single pure white light. However, the shadows are the same percentage lighter as the second light's contribution.

  • Following this procedure can help you simulate some of the effects of atmospheric scattering observed in the real world without the cost of extra computational time during the raytrace.

See Also

Effects Tab (New Light Dialog Box)