Perspective Angle Toolbar - Intergraph Smart Review - Help

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Intergraph Smart Review
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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
7.1 (2018 R1)
Smart Review Version

The Perspective Angle toolbar allows you to increase or decrease the viewing area of the view cone. Move the slider anywhere from two degrees (to decrease area) to 160 degrees (to increase area).

Increasing the viewing area has a similar effect as the Zoom Out command. Everything within the viewing area appears smaller, but the eye point or center point positions do not change.

Decreasing the viewing area has a similar effect as the Zoom In command. Everything within the viewing area appears larger, but the eye point or center point positions do not change.

  • You can dock the Perspective Angle toolbar at the edge of the window, or you can let it float like a dialog box.

  • The docking areas for this toolbar are automatically restricted to help reduce the possibility of the docking area obscuring the client area of the application window. If you are unable to dock this toolbar where you want it, try resizing the toolbar to be smaller or resizing the application window to be larger.

See Also

Using the View Cone