Data Table Configuration - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - 2020 10.0 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Integration (2020)

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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Customization & Programming
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (10.0)

The retrieval method for the codelist sheets must be defined on the Data Table Configuration screen as TABLE_DETAILS. The picture below shows the example for the PressureRating sheet.

Select the commodity attribute table, which is used to hold the relevant data, from the LOV in the Source field. The Extended Customization indicator is automatically checked when TABLE_DETAILS is selected as the retrieval method.

Next, define the retrieval methods for the assigned sheet attributes on the Attributes tab.

Select the retrieval method BASE_COLUMN from the drop-down list in the Retrieval Method field for all sheet attributes except for Sort Order. The retrieval method for the Sort Order attribute must be kept as NONE; this attribute is used internally by the export procedure to sort the records.

Select the appropriate column for each attribute from the LOV in the Source field. In our example of the PRESSURERATING table, the RatingPractice ShortDescription and LongDescription values are fetched from the table group short desc/description. The PressureRating ShortDescription and LongDescription are fetched from the table detail short desc/description. The corresponding codelist numbers are fetched from the attributes assigned to the table group/table detail attr_num1.

The codelist number attributes on the table group and table detail level must be assigned to the same physical attribute, TG.NUM1 and TD.NUM1, or TG.NUM2 and TD.NUM2, or TG.NUM3 and TD.NUM3.

To complete the sheet attribute definition, set the level for each attribute (except Codelist Number and Sort Order) in the Level field.

In our example, the PressureRating descriptions are defined as table details on the lowest level, which is 0 (zero). The RatingPractice descriptions are defined as table groups on the next level, 1. Finally, enter 1 in the Order by field for the Sort Order attribute.

The picture below displays the sheet attribute definitions for the EndPreparation sheet.

Because all attributes except Codelist Number and Sort Order are mapped to table details, the column to be selected from the LOV in the Source field is either TDN.SHORT_DESC for the ShortDescription attributes or TDN.DESCRIPTION for the LongDescription attributes. The corresponding codelist numbers are fetched from the attribute assigned to the table detail attr_num1. The level must be entered in the Level field according to the hierarchy definition as explained above. The value 1 must be entered in the Order by field for the Sort Order attribute.