Define the Sheet and Sheet Configuration - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Version 10.1 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Integration (10.1)

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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Customization & Programming
Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

Before proceeding with the export operation, you must correct the SDB information in the sheets.

  1. Open the SP3D 10.02 Sheets screen.

  2. Click Enter query (or press F7), type Sight% in the Sheet box, and click Run query (or press F8).

    The SightFlowIndicator and the SightGlass sheets appear.

  3. Change the Category value for all sheets to PART_DEFINITION.

  4. Click Save (or press F10) to save the changes.

  5. Open the SP3D 10.07 Sheet Configs screen.

  6. Query for the SDB_SHT_CONFIG configuration.

  7. In the second (Sheets) block, query for SightFlowIndicatorTy3.

  8. On the Attributes tab, review the Default Value and Source columns, which indicate the sheet has not been configured.

    Reviewing the sample data, you can see there are a number of items that are constant for the sheet:

    • Commodity type = 8865

    • Geometry type = 15

    • SymbolDefinition = SP3DSightFlowIndicator.SightIndicator

      On the sheet header:

    • SymbolIcon = SymbolIcons\SP3DSightFlowIndicatorPDB481.gif

    • PartClassType = PipeComponentClass

  9. Select the Definition Attributes tab.

  10. Check that the correct PartClassType and SymbolIcon values are set as displayed below.

  11. Select the Attributes tab.

  12. Set the Default Value box as described below and displayed in the pictures (null means empty).

    CommodityType = 8865

    GeometryType = 15 (Codelist Number selected)

    TechDeliveryConditions = null (Codelist Number selected)

    SymbolDefinition = SP3DSightFlowIndicator.SightIndicator

    LiningMaterial = null (Codelist Number selected)

    PartDataBasis = 481 (Codelist Number selected)

    SurfacePreparation = null (Codelist Number selected)

    ManufacturingMethod = null (Codelist Number selected)

    PipingPointBasis[1] = 15 (Codelist Number selected)

    Id[1] = null

    PressureRating[1] = null (Will be done by mappings)

    EndPreparation[1] = null (Codelist Number selected)

    EndStandard[1] = null (Codelist Number selected)

    ScheduleThickness [1] = null

    FlowDirection[1] = 3

    PipingPointBasis[2] = 15

    PressureRating[2] = null (Will be done by mappings)

    EndPreparation[2] = null (Codelist Number selected)

    EndStandard[2] = null (Codelist Number selected)

    ScheduleThickness[2] = null

    FlowDirection[2] = 3

    The rest of the defaults are empty.

  13. Scroll to the right until you can see the Retrieval Method and Source columns.

  14. Adjust the Retrieval Method and Source values as displayed in the pictures below.

  15. For ScheduleThickness[2], enter the same as for ScheduleThickness[1] as shown in the Editor box above.

    Npd[1] = m_pck_sp3d_custom.get_nps_converted(cc.commodity_id,1,i.input_1)

    NpdUnitType[1] = m_pck_sp3d_custom.get_sp3d_uom

    Npd[2] = m_pck_sp3d_custom.get_nps_converted(cc.commodity_id,1,i.input_1)

    NpdUnitType[2] = m_pck_sp3d_custom.get_sp3d_uom

    FacetoFace = m_pck_sp3d_custom.get_cgr_attr_value(i.ident,'P_F_TO_F',null)

    SightDiameter = m_pck_sp3d_custom.get_cgr_attr_value(i.ident,'P_BODY_DIA',null)

  16. Make sure all Suppress Repetition boxes are cleared.

  17. Click Save (or press F10) to save the changes.