Create New Commodity Codes from the Piping Class - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Help - Hexagon

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The following example explains how to create a commodity code on the fly when it is missing from the specification. In this example, a pipe component with material A107 is missing. The component itself as well as the required code list (Table Detail) entry needs to be created. The new component and commodity code can be created by duplicating an existing commodity code and modifying the data.

  1. Click in the S 50.06. Specification Management screen to view Specification Items associated with the spec.

  2. Under Specification Items, select the row you want to copy, and then click New Record to add a row below it.

  3. Copy the Short Code, Group, Part, and Commodity Code in the new row to insert a new component into the piping specification.

  4. Click the Geometic tab.

  5. Modify the From 1 and To 1 size ranges.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Double-click the Commodity Code.

  8. Copy the Commodity Code in S.30.01 Commodity Codes.

  9. Select the row with the duplicated commodity code.

  10. Select the P_MATERIAL row on the Details tab, and then change the property in the Detail column to C0.

  11. Click Yes in the message box.

  12. Type A107 in the Short Desc box

  13. Click Build One Commodity.

  14. Click Only CC in the Build the Commodity Code and Idents message box.

  15. Click OK when the commodity code created message appears.

  16. The Commodity Code box is updated with the new code.

  17. Copy the commodity code and paste it in the Commodity Code box of the new row on S.50.05 Specification Management Window 2.

  18. Click Save.

  19. Query for the new material entry in S.20.02 Tablenames and Details. The new material appears.

  20. Complete the code list details required for PDS.