Copy Scope: Select data that must be copied to the target specification - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Help - Hexagon

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In the Copy Scope tab, you can choose to perform insert, update or both insert and update for the data available under the Headers, Items, and Definitions tabs. Based on the option you select, the data will either be copied, modified, or both.


Along with insert, update, you can also choose to create a log file, append a suffix, create missing idents and so on while copying the data.

What data gets copied to the table format?

The following are some of the specification items headers that will be copied or updated into the target specification based on the data you select in the Header, Item, or Definition tabs:

  • Specification Items

    • Commodity Code

      • Commodity Group

      • Commodity Part

        - Parts to Short Code and the data available in Allow Option Codes grid

        The Option Code value will not be copied to the Commodity Options sheet for the Template provided in the ZI_SP3D_CT project default.

      • Commodity Rule

        - Commodity Key Structure

        - Interface Commodity Keys

        - Concept Commodity Keys

        - Company Commodity Keys along with the corresponding Commodity Keys and Commodity Layouts

      • Object Parameter

        - Object Parameter Details

        - Object Parameter Layout

        - Part Object Parameter

    • Short Code

    • Geometrics

      - Specification header geometrics

      - Common specification header geometrics

      - Geometric details

      - Commodity Geometric Relations
      For more information, see What happens to the Geometric data?

    • Tables

      - Commodity Code Tables

      - Commodity Rule Tables

      - Table Attributes

      - Table Links

      - Nominal Size Table

      - Filter Geometrics Table

    • Specification Item Idents

      - Spec Item Notes
      Since Notes is the dependent data, after the notes is copied into the target specification, the same notes are created in General Notes under the Notes grid of target. For more information, see the topic What happens to the Interface or Company Spec Item Notes when the Spec Item Notes is at conflict? in Preview.

When we are copying the Specification Item, all the above details along with NLs and Interface/Company details are also copied.

  • Specification Headers

    • Specification Group and Specification Details

      Prerequisite: The tables under the Specification Details and Specification Group available in source must be already defined in the target Specification Rule. If they are not available, you must manually add them to the Specification Rule before copying.

    • Specification Header Notes

      Since Notes is the dependent data, after the notes is copied into the target specification, the same notes are created in General Notes under the Notes grid of target. For more information, see What happens to the Interface or Company Spec Header Notes when the Spec Header Notes is at conflict? in Preview.

    • Specification Header Geometrics

    • Specification Header Attributes

The following points are applicable only to both Specification Header and Item Notes

  • If you are copying data from Project to Project, the Note Code in the target project is copied under the Product Group Note Type in the following cases:

    • The Note Type of source project exists in the Product Group

    • Both the projects are under same Product Group  

  • The Note code is unique to a project. While copying, even if the Note Code exists under a different Note Type in target Project, a conflict is displayed while copying from Project to Product Group. However, if the Interface/Company data does not exist, it will be copied accordingly for that Note Code.

  • If you are copying data from Project to Project, the Interface/Company data in the target project will be copied at Project level to the Product Group Note Code in the following cases:

    •  The Note Code of source Project exists in Product Group

    • The interface/company data does not exist for the Note Code

    • Both the projects are under same Product Group

  • Procedure for Copy Scope tab

  1. Select Insert, Update, or both as required to copy the data available under Headers, Items, and Definitions tab

    • Insert: Copy a specification for the first time.

    • Update: Select this if information is modified in the source specification and you want to update it to the target specification.

    • Insert/Update: Select both Insert and Update if the data should be inserted and updated in the target specification.

    1. In the Headers tab, select the required options:

    1. NLS

    2. Company

    3. Interface

    4. Detail

    5. Group

    6. Notes

    7. Geometrics

    8. Common Geometrics

    9. Limits

    10. Symbol

    11. Group Notes

    12. Additional Info

    1. In the Items tab, select the required options:

    1. Item

    2. Company

    3. Interface

    4. Group

    5. Notes

    6. Item Details

    1. In the Definitions tab, select the required options:

    1. Smart 3D Definition

    2. Functional Definition

  2. You can select the following additional options to apply while copying a specification:

    1. User Order Seq: It specifies the placement of Specification Item in a sequence. If this is selected, the application compares the source specification with the target specification based on the Order Sequence of Specification Items.

    2. Create Log File: Creates a log file.

    3. Append Suffix: The value that you provide in this textbox will be appended as suffix to the Geometric, Short Code, and Commodity Codes while copying the specification when you select the option Create New with Suffix.

    4. Create Missing Idents: Creates the missing Specification Idents in the target specification while copying the data.

    When you copy a specification from a Project or a Product Group to a Product Group, the Create Missing Idents check box will be disabled. However, you can create the idents manually.

    1. If Geometric/Commodity/Short Codes exist:

      1. Use and Map Existing: Uses the existing data from Source Specification for copying.

      2. Create New with Suffix: Creates new Geometric, Short Code, and Commodity Codes in the target specification by appending the suffix value that you have entered in the Append Suffix textbox.

  3. Click Next to navigate to the Target Spec tab.