Run Oracle Reports from Smart Materials BIR - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Help (10.2)

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You can use the Start Reports feature on the Home page to run Oracle reports from Smart Materials Web.


Alternatively, use the APEXRunReport button to run Oracle reports from a dedicated page.

To configure this features, see Start Reports Configuration

To use the Start Reports functionality in Smart Materials Web, you must configure DBA settings and possibly specify commands as described in this section.


The DBA setting BI_START_REPORT_SERVER must be set that it points to the Oracle Reports server, for example,


With the Application Server specific DBA setting REPORT_SERVER you define the report server name. The name of the report server is required if you want to use the Oracle report server architecture for running reports. The report server name is generated with the following syntax: ReportsServer_ + <your_machine_name> + _asinst_1. For example, with the machine name dor-mds.as02, the report server name would be ReportsServer_dor-mds-as02_asinst_1.

You can find the name in the Oracle Enterprise Manager (http://<your_machine_name>:7001/em) at the Farm_ClassicDomain/Reports node. Or, you can find it on the file system underneath Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1/ReportsServerComponent.

There must be at least one active value for this setting. If there are more than one active value, you can select the report server name when you run any report.


This Application Server specific DBA setting defines the default TNS name entry (host string for database).

The value for this dba setting should be the tns name of the database that Smart Materials Web is using.

If the tns name is not specified with this dba setting, you might get a login prompt after starting a report.

Optional BIR Command

The reports started from Smart Materials Web use the parameter commands defined in the Command box on the Parameters screen (see Administration > Parameters) as usual, to show the allowed values for the parameter in the selection list if the parameter query type is Query. Since the Smart Materials reports use :GLOBAL and :CTRL variables which are set during the Smart Materials Classic session, these variables cannot be used for the reports started from Smart Materials Web. To resolve this problem, all standard report parameters which use any of the mentioned variables have an alternative command assigned that is used when starting the report from Smart Materials Web. These alternative commands are displayed in the BIR Command field on the Parameters screen.


If you use any of the values listed below in the Original Value column in your own (custom) reports, you should define a BIR command for the concerning parameters, considering the following instructions.

Original Value

Replace with


































m_sys.w_pck_bireport.get_project_default(m_pck_admin.current_proj_id ,’<PROJECT_DEFAULT_CODE>’)


This is the original command used when starting the report from Smart Materials:

select a.cg_group_code, b.short_desc

from m_commodity_groups a, m_commodity_group_nls b

where b.group_id = a.group_id(+)

and b.nls_id(+) = :CTRL.NLS_ID

and ( a.dp_id IN (SELECT g.dp_id

FROM m_us_id_display_disciplines g


AND g.display_ind = 'Y' ) or a.dp_id = :Global.dp_id)

/*S.10.02 Commodity Group */

And this is the alternative BIR command which will be used when starting the report from Smart Materials Web:

select a.cg_group_code, b.short_desc

from m_commodity_groups a, m_commodity_group_nls b

where b.group_id = a.group_id(+)

and b.nls_id(+) = m_sys.w_pck_login.data_nls

and ( a.dp_id IN (SELECT g.dp_id

FROM m_us_id_display_disciplines g

WHERE g.us_id = m_sys.w_pck_login.us_id

AND g.display_ind = 'Y' )

or a.dp_id = m_sys.w_pck_login.dp_id)

/*S.10.02 Commodity Group */

In case you use other Forms parameters (for example, :block.item_name), you might contact the support for assistance which appropriate package call should be used instead.

  1. Click Start Reports in the right upper corner.

  2. Select a project from the Project list.

    The Language, Discipline, and Role lists are restricted to the available user security values for the selected project and the login user.

  3. Select a discipline, language and role from the corresponding lists.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Select the module from the Module list to get access to the corresponding reports.

    The license modules are displayed that have reports assigned in Smart Materials (see Administration > Roles/Menus > License Modules)

  6. From the Report list, select the report you want to run.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select appropriate values from the report parameter selection lists.

    • You can click Save Settings to save the selected values for future reports runs.

    • You can create a bookmark and add to your favorites. Using this bookmark, you can immediately run this report again whenever you need.

  9. Click Start Report.

  10. The report runs and depending on your Desformat selection any of the following applies:

    • pdf - the resulting pdf file is displayed in a new browser window.

      If generated pdf-files are not opened automatically, the Download - Save as option will be displayed in the Start Reports tab, not in the popup window or tab. Please check if you get this option.

    • html - the resulting html file is displayed in a new browser window.

    • rtf or xls - the resulting file is downloaded and saved as rwservlet file into your local Download folder. Rename the file and add the appropriate extension.