Manage general configuration values - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Help - Hexagon

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You can manage general configurations values. For more information on general configuration items, see Appendix: General Configuration Items

Config Item


Item Values


Analyze the bulkload logfile? The logfile can be uploaded and interpreted to determine the success of the Smart 3D import.

Y - Analyze (default).

N - Do not analyze.


If the config item is set to Y, the GUIDs sheet will be selected for the job automatically. Additionally, the job validation will insert new lines into the GUIDs template that result from new CustomInterface and/or new PartClass definitions. It will reuse GUIDs from the attached inventory if they exist.

Y - Add GUIDs sheet to the job and add new lines where required.

N - (default) User will take care of GUIDs by himself. New lines might be added by bulkload.


Should the CustomInterfaces sheet be selected automatically, when sheets were selected that are categorized as PART_DEFINITION? Part definition sheets often contain user defined attributes, and the bulk load of those attributes requires that they appear on the CustomInterfaces sheet. The auto selection takes place during job validation.

Y - Yes, CustomInterfaces sheet will be selected as soon as one PART_DEFINITION sheet is selected for transfer.

N - No, the CustomInterfaces sheet will not be automatically selected.


When a spec/spec items are selected on SP3D 20.01, should the used groups/parts/ccs also be selected for transfer? The auto selection takes place during job validation.

COMMODITY_REPLACE - The used commodity codes from the selected specs/spec items will be added to the idents selection of the job after the existing selection entries were deleted.

IDENT_REPLACE - The used idents from the selected specs/spec items will be added to the idents selection of the job after the existing selection entries were deleted.

IDENT - The used idents from the selected specs/spec items will be added to the idents selection of the job.

COMMODITY - The used commodity codes from the selected specs/spec items will be added to the idents selection of the job.

NO_SELECTION - The automatic selection feature is disabled.


Fill the assigned part class sheets into the job sheet selection, if the related commodity codes were selected?

Y - Yes, part class sheets will be automatically selected for all selected commodity codes.

N - No, the part classes will not be selected automatically.


Select ValveOperator class sheets if ValveOperatorMatlControlData sheet is selected?

Y - Yes, select the ValveOperator class sheets if ValveOperatorMatlControlData sheet is selected.

N - No, the ValveOperator classes will not be selected automatically.


Select the ValveOperatorMatlControlData sheet if PipingMatlControlData sheet is selected?

Y - Yes, select the ValveOperatorMatlControlData sheet if PipingMatlControlData sheet is selected.

N - No, the ValveOperatorMatlControlData sheet will not be selected automatically.


Filters the valve operator part class sheets.

Y- YES, filters the valve operator part class sheets by deleting the sheets that are not used in a specification.

N - NO, the valve operator part class sheets are not filtered automatically.


Specify the path and executable on the application server for automatic bulkload.


C:\SMAT\SPMAT\others\SP3DUtility\V2011.1.1\SP3DUtilRun.bat "C:\SMAT\SMAT\others\SP3DUtility\V2011.1.1\SP3DUtilityRun.exe"


Specify the symbol path on the application server for automatic bulkload.




Should the bulkload update views and BOC nodes for all part classes?

Y - This is the standard behavior.

N - Not updating these objects might save execution time.


Should the bulkload be initiated automatically from the application server, or manually from client?

MANUAL - User handles bulkload.

AUTOMATIC_DIRECT - Start without user interaction and use the bulkload API, so no XLS will be generated.

AUTOMATIC_DIRECT_PLUS_FILES - Start without user interaction and use the bulkload API, but the files (.xls workbooks) are created as well.


Enable or disable the oracle _optimizer_cbqt_or_expansion optimizer (introduced from oracle for the export job

Y - Optimizer _optimizer_cbqt_or_expansion value will be ON during the execution of export job

N - Optimizer_optimizer_cbqt_or_expansion value will be OFF during the execution of export job


This config item is used for extracting Smart 3D symbol DLLs from Smart Reference Data.

Y - Associated part definition sheet DLLs are extracted from Smart Reference Data and saved on the application server as a ZIP file but not copied to the symbol share location.

YC - Associated part definition sheet DLLs are extracted from Smart Reference Data and saved on the application server as a ZIP file. Additionally, the DLLs are copied to the symbol share path specified in the destination definition.

C - Associated part definition sheet DLLs are extracted from Smart Reference Data and copied to the symbol share path specified in the destination definition. The files are not stored on the Smart Reference Data application server.

N - The DLLs are not extracted from Smart Reference Data.


Export Pal files for selected specs in the export job.

Y - The Pal files related to the specs being exported are exported.

N - The PAL files are not exported.


Specify whenever a job, with generic sheets, will stop processing.

Generic sheets will be created or modified in the templates first. When the template sheet is completed, it will be copied over.

STOP_NEVER - Job will not stop even when some errors occurred, for example, mandatory output fields are empty.

STOP_ALWAYS - Job will stop always.

STOP_ERROR - Job will stop only when errors occurred.


Shall the interface consider the current job contents as complete project or as parts of it?

INDIVIDUAL - The interface will treat the result of each export job as a subset of the actual project, for example, one or more specs plus part definitions.

ENTIRE_PROJECT - The interface will keep Smart 3D in sync with what is in the current job. The current job result defines completely what is in the actual project.


This config item can be used to skip the GUIDs import stage. Normally, it is executed if the GUIDs sheet is among the exported sheets.

Y - Perform the IMP_GUIDS stage.

N - Skip the IMP_GUIDS stage.


A fixed job goal can be preselected if a run is created using the New Run button on SP3D 20.01. If nothing is entered, the new run will use the goal of the previous run.

The assigned job goal will be used when creating a new job run with the New Run button on SP3D 20.01.


The translation level for part definition of bolts determines the resolution in the 'BoltPartData' sheet.

To retrieve information from CMS idents, the translation level must be set to IDENT.

IDENT - Each ident results in one line in the part definition.

COMMODITY - Each commodity code results in one line in the part definition.


The translation level for part definition of gaskets determines the resolution in the 'GasketPartData' sheet.

To retrieve information from CMS idents, the translation level must be set to IDENT.

IDENT - Each ident results in one line in the part definition.

COMMODITY - Each commodity code results in one line in the part definition.


The translation level for part definition of nuts determines the resolution in the 'NutPartData' sheet.

To retrieve information from CMS idents, the translation level must be set to IDENT.

IDENT - Each ident results in one line in the part definition.

COMMODITY - Each commodity code results in one line in the part definition.


The translation level for part definition determines the resolution in all part definition sheets, except those which have their own translation level parameter, like bolt, gasket, nut, washers.

Ident is the default, if none is selected.

To retrieve information from CMS idents, the translation level must be set to IDENT.

IDENT - Each ident results in one line in the part definition.

COMMODITY - Each commodity code results in one line in the part definition.


The translation level for part definition of washers determines the resolution on the WasherPartData sheet.

IDENT - Each ident results in one line in the part definition.

COMMODITY - Each commodity code results in one line in the part definition.


The translation level for part filter defines the resolution in sheets of the PART_FILTER category.

COMMODITY - Each commodity code results in one line in the part filter.

CC_OR_IDENT - All groups/parts/CCs/idents that are explicitly mapped to the sheet in SP3D 10.04 will be reported on the ident level. All other items appear on the commodity level.

IDENT - Each ident results in one line of the part filter.


The physical attribute mapped for specifying the Bolt Assembly Short Code reference in specification items. This attribute is used to extract lengths from assembly data.




List (comma separated) of the short codes that should be considered bolts. Each value must be enclosed in single quotes.

Bolts have no short code in Smart 3D.

Bolts are excluded from the PipingCommodityFilter sheet but they appear on the BoltSelectionFilter sheet.




List (comma separated) of the short codes that should be considered clamps. Each value must be enclosed in single quotes.

Clamps have no short code in Smart 3D.

Clamps are excluded from the PipingCommodityFilter sheet but they appear on the ClampSelectionFilter sheet.




List (comma separated) of the short codes that should be considered gaskets. Each value must be enclosed in single quotes.

Gaskets have no short code in Smart 3D.

Gaskets are excluded from the PipingCommodityFilter sheet but they appear on the GasketSelectionFilter sheet.




List (comma separated) of the short codes that should be considered nuts. Each value must be enclosed in single quotes.

Nuts have no short code in Smart 3D.

Nuts are excluded from the PipingCommodityFilter sheet but they appear on the NutSelectionFilter sheet.




Provides a means of changing the internal structure of the statement issued against the DB to overcome bad performance generating a spec item sheet. The option with the best response time depends on the database and data settings. Default is OPT1.

OPT1 - Option 1

OPT2 - Option 2


List (comma separated) of the short codes that should be considered piping. Each value must be enclosed in single quotes.

The list is evaluated when the piping items are exploded to ident granularity. See config item SI_SCHEDULE_MTHD_PIPING.




The schedule method for non piping items (flanges, valves, and so on) in the SPEC_ITEM_FILTER sheets.

GEOMETRIC - The schedule is derived from the ident geometric information. This setting will only be in effect if the SI_SCHEDULE_METHOD_PIPING is also set to GEOMETRIC.

This option implies that all spec items are exploded, so that a new spec item appears in Smart 3D as the schedule changes. Choosing this option works if the config item SI_TRANSLATION_LEVEL is set to COMMODITY, but it is overridden if the translation level is set to IDENT

SP3D 10.04 - The schedule is mapped in SP3D 10.04. Note: if you map the schedule on the ident level, the spec items are not exploded automatically (set the config item SI_TRANSLATION_LEVEL to IDENT if needed).

S.20.08 - The schedule is expected to be mapped on S.20.08. The mapping name on A.50.I.01 must be SCHEDULE for the green connect point and ASCHEDULE for the red connect point. You can have more than one table for this purpose. Map additional tables by appending a running number to the mapname like <mapname>_1 and so on in A.50.I.01.


The schedule method for piping items in the SPEC_ITEM_FILTER sheets.
If the piping schedule is not contained in the commodity code, the option GEOMETRIC is recommended. GEOMETRIC is the default.
Alternatively, it is possible to create a separate spec item as soon as a piping element has a different schedule, and use SP3D 10.04 to map the schedule for each piping spec item. For example, instead of having one spec item for pipe from 4 to 20 inches, have two lines: One from 4 to 6 inches (schedule S-XS) and another one from 8 to 20 inches (schedule S-STD).

SP3D 10.04 - The schedule is mapped in SP3D 10.04. Note: if you map the schedule on the ident level, the spec items are not exploded automatically (set the config item SI_TRANSLATION_LEVEL to IDENT if needed).

S.30.01 (S.20.08) - The schedule is expected in the commodity code. If no specific commodity code is found, the procedure looks for a mapping on S.20.08. The mapping name in A.50.I.01 must be SCHEDULE for the green connect point and ASCHEDULE for the red connect point. You can have more than one table for this purpose. Map additional tables by appending a running number to the mapname like <mapname>_1 and so on in A.50.I.01.

If the mentioned table is not directly a table in the commodity code but a master link table of the commodity code that contains this table as a link table, the Smart 3D interface will also be able to find the information.

GEOMETRIC - The schedule is derived from the ident geometric information (more exactly: from the second input column).

This option implies that the piping spec items are exploded, so that a new spec item appears in Smart 3D as the schedule changes. Choosing this option works if the config item SI_TRANSLATION_LEVEL is set to COMMODITY, but it is overridden if the translation level is set to IDENT.
In this context, the config item SI_PIPING_SHORT_CODE_LST provides the short codes that are used in this setting.


The physical column mapped for specifying the First Size schedule value as MATCH for spec items.

NONE - No columns are mapped to schedules in spec items.


The physical column mapped for specifying the Second Size schedule value for spec items.

NONE - No columns are mapped to schedules in spec items.


The translation level for spec items defines the resolution in sheets of the SPEC_ITEM_FILTER category. COMMODITY is the default.

IDENT - Each spec item results in so many Smart 3D spec items, as idents belong to it.

IDENT_FOR_PIPING - Each pipe spec item results in so many Smart 3D spec items, as idents belong to it. The setting for SI_SCHEDULE_MTHD_NONPIPING should be SP3D 10.04; SI_SCHEDULE_MTHD_PIPING can be SP3D 10.04 or GEOMETRIC. Pipes are recognized if they are in SI_PIPING_SHORT_CODE_LST.

COMMODITY - Each spec item in Smart Reference Data results in one Smart 3D spec item. This option will be overridden if indicated by the SI_SCHEDULE_MTHD% config items.


List (comma separated) of the short codes that should be considered washers. Each value must be enclosed in single quotes.

Washers have no short code in Smart 3D.

Washers are excluded from the PipingCommodityFilter sheet but they appear on the WasherSelectionFilter sheet.




Windows user to log on to the Smart 3D database. Required by the Smart 3D API if the Oracle processes run under LocalSystem account. Use the format <user>@<SPRD appserver short name or domain>. Appserver name can be left blank, and then it defaults to the local machine name. Append the @ though.

Example: Administrator@certint2009


Windows user password to logon to the SP3D database. Required by the SP3D API, if the Oracle processes run under LocalSystem account

You must have SRD_VIEW_PASSWORD privilege to view the password.


Translate the gasket commodity code in the part data sheet GasketPartData and in the part filter sheets PipingCommodityMatlControlData, PipingCommodityProcurementData. This config item is valid only when the translation level for GasketPartData sheet is set to IDENT as decided by the config item PD_GASKET_TRANS_LEVEL and the translation level for PipingCommodityMatlControlData, PipingCommodityProcurementData sheets is set to IDENT/ CC_OR_IDENT as decided by the config item PF_TRANSLATION_LEVEL.

NO - No translation of the gasket commodity code. This config item value is the default.

YES - The gasket commodity code in the sheets GasketPartData, PipingCommodityMatlControlData, and PipingCommodityProcurementData will be translated. The commodity code will be appended with the Gasket Thickness value (ident input 2). The commodity code with appended values will be stored as the company ident against the company given by the project default ZI_SP3D_CO.


Translate the nut commodity code in the part data sheet NutPartData and in the part filter sheets PipingCommodityMatlControlData, PipingCommodityProcurementData. This config item is valid only when the translation level for NutPartData sheet is set to IDENT as decided by the config item PD_NUT_TRANS_LEVEL and the translation level for PipingCommodityMatlControlData, PipingCommodityProcurementData sheets is set to IDENT/ CC_OR_IDENT as decided by the config item PF_TRANSLATION_LEVEL.

NO - No translation of the nut commodity code. This config item value is the default.

YES - The nut commodity code in the sheets NutPartData, PipingCommodityMatlControlData, and PipingCommodityProcurementData will be translated. The commodity code will be appended with the Bolt Diameter value (ident input 1) and the Nut Height value (ident input 2). The commodity code with appended values will be stored as the company ident against the company given by the project default ZI_SP3D_CO.


Translate the washer commodity code in the part data sheet WasherPartData and in the part filter sheets PipingCommodityMatlControlData, PipingCommodityProcurementData. This config item is valid only when the translation level for WasherPartData sheet is set to IDENT as decided by the config item PD_WASHER_TRANS_LEVEL and the translation level for PipingCommodityMatlControlData, PipingCommodityProcurementData sheets is set to IDENT/ CC_OR_IDENT as decided by the config item PF_TRANSLATION_LEVEL.

NO - No translation of the washer commodity code. This config item value is the default.

YES - The washer commodity code in the sheets WasherPartData, PipingCommodityMatlControlData, and PipingCommodityProcurementData will be translated. The commodity code will be appended with the Bolt Diameter value (ident input 1) and the Washer Thickness value (ident input 2). The commodity code with appended values will be stored as the company ident against the company given by the project default ZI_SP3D_CO.


Specify if bolt lengths should be included in Smart 3D verification.




Specify the path and executable on the application server for Smart 3D verification.




Specify the path and executable on the Smart Reference Data application server for Smart 3D verification.




Specify if material descriptions should be included in Smart 3D verification.




Specify if symbol placement should be included in Smart 3D verification.




Specify if weight data should be included in Smart 3D verification.




Perform consistency check on Smart 3D side? This check validates the Smart 3D catalog, not only the contents of the current export job. May take some time.



  1. Click Integration > XI20 Smart 3D > XI2020 Smart 3D Transfer Jobs.

  2. Click the General Configurations tab.

  3. Double-click a general configuration in the tree view.

  4. In the General Configuration Item Values grid, click Edit Grid EditGrid.

  5. Click Add Row PropertiesNew, and select a general configuration item from the Selection list LOV.

  6. Type a description for the item in the Item Comment cell, and select a value from the Selection list LOV in the Value cell.

  7. Click Save Grid SaveGrid, and then click Read-Only Grid ReadOnly.

Set the AUTO_FILTER_VALVEOP_CLASS_SHTS_IN_SPEC configuration to Y to filter the valve operator part class data tables.