Define the branch operation - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Help (10.1)

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
  1. Log on to Smart Materials, and click Administration.

  2. Under GLOBAL SETUP, click Tables and Properties.

  3. Click Properties.

  4. Create a new attribute with the exact name BRANCH_OPERATION as displayed in the following picture.


  6. Define allowed values for the properties as displayed in the following picture.

    These valid values are used to provide a LOV when you enter a property value. The valid values are also used to validate the entered properties values.

  7. Attach the new attribute to the physical table M_PARTS on the Tables/ Table Structures tab.

    In this example, the BRANCH_OPERATION property is assigned to the ATTR_CHAR9 physical attribute (database column).

  8. On the Commodity Parts grid, enter a value for the parts that have a branch operation like SetOn, Tap, ReinforcedSetOn, or PulledSetOn.

    For parts without a branch operation (None), you do not need to assign an attribute value to the part. None is the default value.

  9. Define a dummy part that represents the branch operation.

    Because it is non-physical material, do not create idents for this part. In the example above, the OPER-… parts are created for the non-physical material, with the attribute values SetOn, Tap, ReinforcedSetOn, and PulledSetOn assigned.

  10. Use these dummy parts in the branch table. Open the Branches screen, select the branch table you want to edit, and click the Next Block button to open Window 2 where the branches are maintained.

  11. Assign the dummy parts where applicable, using the LOV in the Part box.