Classification Tree - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Help (10.1)

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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This tree represents the hierarchical classification of components. The purpose of the class hierarchies is to have description rules for parts / idents. This can be any kind of ident. Below is an example for packing material taken from eCl@ss.

Similar to eCl@ss, you can define the class hierarchies as a tree in Smart Reference Data. The idents can be defined at the end of such hierarchies (leaf nodes) only. In the example above, the Flat Bag is an ident.

You can arrange and view / browse such hierarchies in the CMS Component Manager. A classification tree is maintained for a specific classification system, which is a user-defined name to maintain and categorize various classification hierarchies. For example, eCl@ss has various classification hierarchies as per various versions of classification, and they are kept in different classification systems with names like eCl@ass6.0, eCl@ass5.1.4, eCl@ass5.1.3, and so forth.

The following picture shows the expanded tree view in the CMS Component Manager. This view is also called the Explorer view.

You can do the following operations in this view.

Toolbar Operations

  • Zoom: Can expand the tree view, hiding the other two views. The button is a toggle button and hence restores the views if clicked again.

  • Class System: Choose a class system to load a classification tree of that system. You can select a class system by pressing F9.

  • Refresh: Click this button to re-load / refresh the tree. You can refresh the classification tree by pressing F5.

  • Open Gridview: Click this button to open the CMS Multi Ident View.

  • Auto Hide / Freeze: Click this button to set the tree view pane to either auto hide or freeze mode.

Shortcut Menu

The following picture shows the shortcut menu in the CMS Component Manager.

You can do the following operations in this view.

  • Display Idents: Refreshes the multiple idents and single component views, displaying the idents of the selected class in the tree. The components are attached only at the leaf node level, and the tree displays a different icon for these nodes.

  • Manage Properties: This command enables you to assign properties (CMS Properties / Attribute / Tables) to a selected node in the tree. This command also enables you to cut, copy, paste, and delete properties or drag and drop properties from one class to another class in the same or a different class system. For more information, see Managing Properties for a Class.

  • Class Layout: This command enables you to define the layout for each class. The layout is defined at the leaf node of the tree only. You can use one or more properties for defining the layout of the class, along with static text.

  • Edit: This command enables you to cut, copy, and paste a class, as well as rename, search for, and delete a class. For more information, see Edit class in classification tree.

  • Manage Class: This command enables you to add, update, and delete a class in the tree at any level. For more information, see Add class in classification tree, Update class in classification tree, Delete class from classification tree, and Associate table groups or details with a class.