Change the order of the works - Intergraph Smart Production - Help

Intergraph Smart Production Work Queue

Intergraph Smart Production
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You can change the predefined order of the works by dragging and dropping or by clicking Maintain > Move Works and using selected sorting criteria.

After changing the order of the work queue, the new order of the work queue is visible in the workshop. This allows the works to be done in the correct order.

Dragging and dropping

Select the work in the list to move, and then drag and drop the selected works to the new place in the work queue.

Sort works

Click Maintain > Move Works to open the Move Works window. Use the Sort Works lists to specify up to three sort criteria.

Change the time

You can move works to a different date and time by selecting the works to be moved, and then clicking Maintain > Move Works to open the Move Works window. Use the Move Works to options to change the date and time.

Click Schedule to use the new time as the planned start time for the selected works.

The Move Works function is available for works that are not completed.

Change the work place

You can move works to another work place if both work places support the same machine technology. First, select the works to move. Next, drag and drop them into another work place.

The system checks if the work place change is allowed. If the change cannot be completed, the system displays a message.