Planned start time - Intergraph Smart Production - Help

Intergraph Smart Production Work Queue

Intergraph Smart Production
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Works are automatically ordered in the work queue depending on their planned start time. When the NC program is printed in <aProduct> Workshop Cutting, the system calculates the planned start time as:

Planned start time = (Due date of the order item) – (Flow time of the work place)

  • Other works of the work place also affect the planned start time. When works are scheduled, the planned start time depends on the time that the previous work ends. For example, if the first work starts at 10:00 AM and lasts 30 minutes (Work Time Left (min)), the planned start time for the next work is 10:30 AM.

    The "non-working-times" (for example, coffee or lunch breaks) are taken into account when calculating the start and end times.

  • If the work place is configured as a group work place, the planned work time that remains is calculated by taking into account the total, simultaneous capacity available in the actual work places within the same the work group. For example, if there are two work places working in the same shift, the next work is scheduled to start at 10:15AM (Planned Start Time of the first work + (Work Time Left / (Total Simultaneous Capacity / Work Place Capacity)))

  • Flow time and work time configurations are located in System Settings under Work Place > Work Time Calculation.