Profile Parts Lists - Intergraph Smart Production - Help

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Intergraph Smart Production
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Profile parts differ from plate parts because they have no saved geometry and they do not exist in the system as separate tables. It is, however, possible to give profile identification data to position lines which can be displayed by clicking Profile Parts on the position list.

On the upper side of the window there is a list of the profile parts of the system.


Selects the drawing to the position line.

The Previous usage list displays the quotations and orders that include the drawing in question. If you select Limit rows by customer, the previous usage displays for only the customer of the quotation in question. On the lower right side of the window, there is a list of work phases to which the lines are read based on the selected line of the Previous usage list.

You can optionally add Copy Quotation Position Values to the Previous usage list. If this button is available, you can set the existing data and work phases of the same drawing to the selected position line. This feature can be used in repeated orders. (Option).