Unit Price, Total Price, Profit-% - Intergraph Smart Production - Help

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The unit price is the price of one part which is calculated from the summed price of the work phases. The price of a position is the unit price multiplied by the ordered count.

Profit-% and Margin-% are calculated based on the cost price and the sales price.

For example, if the cost price is 70 and the sales price is 100, then

Profit-% = 100% * (100-70)/70 = 42.86%


Margin-% = 100% * (100 – 70) / 100 = 30 %

When changes are made to the unit price of a position, the software recalculates the total price of the position based on the ordered count. At the same time, the profit-% is calculated. Accordingly, if the total price is changed, the unit price and profit-% are recalculated. When a position line is saved, the changes in the prices are divided to the work phase level. The division can be made equally for all the work phases in relation to their prices, or it can be made separately for a specific work phase. Normally, the division is made for the material sales work phase, in which case the price change applies for the material, and the work is offered according to the price list.

The total price and margin-% as well as the profit-% are shown on the right corner of the position list.