Filtering Using Filter Editor - Intergraph Smart Production - Help - Hexagon

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Filter Editor enables the user to filter data (display items which meet specific requirements) by constructing filter criteria in graphical form. Filter Editor should be used mainly for creating complex filter criteria, consisting of multiple conditions. Simple filter criteria can be created easily by using column’s drop down lists or by entering a filter value to a column’s header.

Condition groups can be used to create sets of conditions combined by the same logical operator.

To add a condition:

  1. Click Add Condition for the group.


    Click the logical operator of the group and select Add Condition .

To add a group:

  1. Click the logical operator of the group and select Add Group.

To delete a condition:

  1. Click Remove Condition .


    Select the condition and press DELETE key.

To delete a group:

  1. Click the logical operator of the group and select Remove Group.

To delete all conditions:

  1. Click the topmost logical operator and select Clear All.

Example of creating complex filter criteria with multiple logical operators

  1. Click Filter to expand Filter Editor.

  2. Clear existing filter conditions by clicking Remove Condition .

  3. Change the root logical operator to OR by clicking current AND operator and selecting OR.

  4. Add a new group by clicking OR operator and selecting Add Group.

  5. Set the column of the created condition to Due Date and the operator to DateTime Operator, IsTomorrow.

  6. Click AND operator and select Add Condition to add a new condition to the current group. Alternatively click next to AND operator.

  7. Set the column of the new condition to Thickness operator to Equals and operand value to 10,00.

  8. Add a new group by clicking OR operator and selecting Add Group.

  9. Set the column of the created condition to Due Date and operator to DateTime Operator, IsToday.

  10. Click the new AND operator and select Add Condition to add a new condition to the current group. Alternatively click next to AND operator.

  11. For the new condition, set the column to Thickness, operator to Equals and operand value to 9,00.

  12. Click Search to search from database with the new filter criteria.

    Database window will list orders with thickness of 10,00 millimeters, due date tomorrow and orders with thickness of 9,00 millimeters, due date today.