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Intergraph Smart Production Cutting

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Strip Cut Dropdown

The Strip Cut is located on the Cut Profiles drop-down menu.

The Strip Cut technique enables you to cut strips from a sheet using a multi-torch cut. The strips are nested as a multi-torch or individually at a common line cutting distance.

A multi-torch strip has one geometry, which can be straight, curved, or shape head (see the figure below). The result is a cutting path in which the heads of the parts are cut in a multi-torch (if the head cutting is activated), and the long sides of the parts in a multi-torch (number of cutting movements + 1).

The individual strips might be the same length but different widths, in which case the strips are not curved. The result is a cutting path in which the heads of the parts are cut in a multi-torch by the cut movement according to the widest part and the long sides of the parts in a multi-torch (number of cutting movements + 1).

The individual strips might be different lengths and widths, in which case the strips are not curved. The result is a cutting path in which the "aligned" head of the parts is cut as a multi-torch according to the widest part, the other head as a single torch by default, and the long sides of the parts as a multi-torch.

The lower or upper strip part acts as a master torch that maintains the starting points of the children part movements. The software automatically creates the cutting path based on parameters you select after clicking Action in the activation box.

Strip geometries: Straight, Curved, and Shape Head

The Strip Cut frame tools are grouped as follows (see the following graphic):

  1. Actions

  2. Options


Contains two action buttons: Create Cut Path and Remove All Cut Paths .


Contains parameters used to create the strip cut path.

Strips Horizontal Alignment

Specifies how strips nested individually at the common cut line distance are aligned. Select Left or Right .

Master Cut Movement

Bottom-Most as Master

Defines the master part as the lowest part of the nesting.

Select Left to Right or Right to Left to specify the direction of the bottom-most cut movement.

These parameters are unavailable if Topmost as Master is selected.

Topmost as Master

Defines the master part as the topmost part in the nesting.

Select Left to Right or Right to Left to specify the direction of the topmost cut movement.

These parameters are unavailable when Bottom-Most as Master is selected.


Specifies that the Left movement is on, and that the left edge of the master strip is included in the cut path. Select either Bottom to Top or Top to Bottom to specify the direction of the left cut movement.


Specifies that the Right movement is on, and that the left edge of the master strip is included in the cut path. Select either Bottom to Top or Top to Bottom to specify the direction of the right cut movement.

Cut Sequence

Contains a sequence list of master cut movements (see the figure below). The cut movements are Horizontal Edge , Left Edge , and Right Edge. Select a cut movement, and then click Move Up or Move Down to change the cut sequence.

The following figure shows a Multi-torch strip cutting sequence. The nesting direction is from left to right, and multi-torch distances are positive.

  1. Bottom edge from left to right as a multi-torch.

  2. Left head from bottom to top as a multi-torch.

  3. Right head from bottom to top as a multi-torch.