Ordering Parts - Intergraph Smart Production - 20 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Production Cutting

Intergraph Smart Production
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You must order the part geometry before you can nest the part geometry.

Order item contain part geometry and required attributes in nesting, such as quantity, quality, and thickness. You can make orders for Smart Production Cutting using Smart Production Sales. You can also order parts from the Database window.

For more information about ordering part geometry, see Basic Concepts.

To order a part:

  1. Click the Parts tab.

  2. Select a part from the main list.

  3. Click Order on the main list toolbar.

    The order form displays in a new window. The order form contains properties, a preview image command, and function commands.

  4. Type the order number in the Order Number text box.

    SHARED Tip Click the drop-down list beside the property to display a list of existing orders.

  5. Type a row number in the Row box. Click the drop-down list beside the property to display a list of existing rows in the selected order.

  6. Use the drop-down list to select the following property values: Quality, Thickness, and Product Number.

  7. Type the Quantity.

  8. Enter any other necessary property values.

    You cannot add a Customer Name or a Customer Number on the order form unless you already added customer information on the Customers tab (see Adding Customer Information).

  9. Click End Edit to confirm the order.

    If the order is unsuccessful, the preview image of the part no longer displays. You must close and reopen the order form to make a new order.