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Intergraph Smart Production Cutting

Intergraph Smart Production
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Displays warning messages. Cutting automatically checks for possible problems at certain points in the work process, and then displays warning messages in the Solver. Click Solver on the right side of the work area (see 9 in Cutting Interface) to display the Solver panel.

Solver checks in the Parts work area

Solver automatically checks for overlapping elements before converting elements to profiles:

Solver checks in the Nesting work area

Solver performs an automatic check before creating the NC program. The software performs the following checks:

  • Parts - overlapping parts, sheets, and technology

  • Sheet - technology overlaps

  • Path collisions

  • Small holes

  • Narrow entries

  • Short bevel profiles

Solver properties

Solver_Run Checks BUTTON Run Checks

Allows you to initiate an automatic check at any point in the work process.

Solver_Ignore All BUTTON Ignore All

Allows you to continue working without resolving any errors the application encounters. By default, the application does not allow you to perform any actions until you resolve all warnings.

We do not recommend ignoring any warnings.


Displays warnings the application encounters. The list groups errors into categories. Double-click a warning to zoom into the problem in the work area.