Stock Management - Intergraph Smart Production - Help - Hexagon

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Scan a storage location to display all of the items present in that location in the list of stock items to manage. You can also build the list of stock items to manage by scanning items individually. Swipe to remove items from the list.

The destination storage location can be set globally for all stock items present in the list by scanning it or manually selecting it from the drop-down list. The destination storage location can also be set per stock item by pressing the overflow button and selecting “Move” from the context menu. After that, you can scan and select the destination storage location the same way.

The final stock movements happen when you press “Move”. All items that were successfully moved are cleared from the stock item list. Failed items are untouched; press "Move" to try moving failed items again. When all items move successfully, the stock management page is reset.

Press “Cancel to reset the stock management page.

SPxBarcode GUI_Stock Management Move