Using the SmartPlant Migrator - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 11 - Help - Intergraph

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The SmartPlant Migration Wizard is a data migration tool provided by Smart P&ID for converting and importing process flow diagrams (PFDs) and preliminary process and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs) from SmartSketch into Smart P&ID. When migrating your SmartSketch file to Smart P&ID, the Migrator maintains graphic visual fidelity. During processing, the Migrator scans the SmartSketch file and maps all the objects to Smart P&ID equivalent objects. Any graphics that cannot be mapped are placed in a SmartSketch file that is then placed as an inserted object in the Smart P&ID file. The database does not contain any information for these unmapped objects.

Placement Order

After the SmartSketch file is scanned and all its objects are mapped to Smart P&ID objects, the Migrator uses rules to determine the order in which to place the resulting symbols. Certain symbols cannot be placed unless a rule has been met. For example, a nozzle cannot be placed unless it is attached to a piece of equipment. SmartSketch does not have rule sets. To account for the rules in Smart P&ID, the Migrator looks at the SmartSketch symbols to determine what the symbols are attached to. Symbol placement is performed in this order:

  1. Stand-alone symbols

  2. Symbols attached to stand-alone symbols

  3. Connectors and pipes

  4. Symbols attached to connectors or pipes

  5. Symbols attached to symbols that are attached to a connector or pipe

  6. Labels

  7. SmartSketch graphics that are not recognized as symbols

Rule Considerations

Because the SmartPlant Migration Wizard cannot account for all the rule possibilities that are defined in the default Smart P&ID rule set or a customized rule set, you must create your SmartSketch drawing with the Smart P&ID rule set in mind. Smart P&ID Rule Manager contains the rules used when creating a P&ID.  This includes default rules and any rules you have created.  The P&ID user and the SmartSketch user must collaborate on what the rules allow to be placed in a P&ID so that the SmartSketch drawings account for the different possibilities.  For example, if you create a rule for special requirements for equipment or instrumentation placement in your P&IDs, the SmartSketch user needs to be made aware of these rules.

Supported Templates

Intergraph Process Flow and P&ID symbols map to the Smart P&ID reference data included with the software.


Delivered symbols with a matching AABBCC code are mapped intelligently to the equivalent Smart P&ID symbol, or you can edit a symbol map file to equate the symbol names between SmartSketch and Smart P&ID. You can check the symbol map file, SymbolMap.csv, for duplicate codes. This file is created during the migration process and you can open this file by using Microsoft Excel.

  • The AABBCC code is not displayed in Catalog Explorer or the Properties window in Smart P&ID. To view the code, you must open the item in Catalog Manager.

  • Because SmartSketch is file- driven and Smart P&ID is database-driven, both products have independent sets of symbols; therefore, symbol definitions and attributes migrated from a SmartSketch file are stored as properties in the Smart P&ID database. SmartSketch symbol attributes are conditionally migrated; this means that the attribute must exist as a Smart P&ID property for that symbol. SmartSketch has a default set of attributes for vessels, pumps, compressors, and shell and tube exchangers. These attributes are the same as the Smart P&ID properties for the same items. All of those attributes, if given a value in SmartSketch, migrate to the Smart P&ID property database. You can add your own unique attributes to a P&ID symbol in SmartSketch, and if that same symbol with same properties is available in Smart P&ID, custom SmartSketch attributes can migrate into those properties. You define custom properties for Smart P&ID symbols by using Catalog Manager.


Nozzles are required for connection of piping in Smart P&ID. Nozzles are required in the SmartSketch document for connections to be established when converted to Smart P&ID.

Non-Nozzle Connections

Piping linear objects not connected to nozzles are placed in Smart P&ID, but are not connected. You have to make valid connections manually in Smart P&ID.


Appropriate flow direction is established based on the terminator of the connector.


User-defined and default SmartSketch properties are mapped to an equivalent Smart P&ID property.


Item tags and other single property labels are maintained intelligently.

  • Labels in SmartSketch files are migrated very much like symbols. Any label placed in SmartSketch must have an equivalent label in Smart P&ID before it can migrate. SmartSketch does include a subset of the Smart P&ID labels, and most of the common labels are smart labels, which are labels that are associated with one or more object properties. The properties of these smart labels are passed to the symbol to which they are attached and migrate to Smart P&ID.

  • In order to assign an AABBCC code to a Smart P&ID label so that it matches a SmartSketch label, do the following.

    1. Open the P&ID label in Catalog Manager.

    2. Right-click the symbol page in order to open the File Properties dialog, and select the Symbol tab.

    3. In the Name box, type AABBCC_code.

    4. In the Type box, select Text.

    5. In the Value box, enter the appropriate AABBCC code, for example, 1F6Y01.

Unrecognized Graphics and Annotations

All unrecognized graphics are inserted in the Smart P&ID drawing as embedded SmartSketch graphics. This rule maintains visual fidelity even if there are items that could not be mapped intelligently.


The following list shows planned limitations of the Migrator:

  • Multiple iterations are not supported

  • Flow direction that is indicated by using symbols is not understood

  • The primary goal is not to take fully developed P&IDs into a data-centric environment

  • The SmartSketch Migrator converts entire files only. If you want to migrate only a portion of a file, select the geometry that you want to migrate and copy and paste it into another file. Then the file you just created can migrate.

  • In order to import a SmartSketch drawing into Smart P&ID, you must have SmartSketch installed on your computer.

  • You can determine if all the graphics in your file migrated correctly by viewing the GetSmart.log file in the Temp folder. This file contains information about the migration such as the file that was migrated, the time that the migration started and stopped, the symbols that were migrated, and any errors encountered during the migration.