Copy a Drawing - Intergraph Smart P&ID - 10 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart P&ID Drawing Manager

Intergraph Smart P&ID
Drawing Manager
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Smart P&ID Version

You must have the appropriate permissions, specified in Smart Engineering Manager, in order to copy drawings.

  1. In the Tree view, select the node in which the drawing resides.

  2. In the List view, select the drawing that you want to copy. Use the SHIFT or CTRL key to select more than one drawing.

  3. Click Copy PPM All Outputs Graphic on the main toolbar.

  • You can hold CTRL, select a drawing, and drag it to a new location to make a copy. You can also drag it to the current list view to make a copy. When copying a drawing, the software displays the Transformation Programs dialog box. If you drag and drop the drawing to another unit, you will need to select the contents of the drawing using Smart P&ID and set the Plant Group Name value in the Properties window.

  • A multi-rep model item is created at the target only once if the drawings that contain all the representations for it are selected for copy in one session. If the drawings are copied in separate sessions, the model item is re-created at the target for that session.

  • Paired OPCs in a drawing that are not copied (for example, not in a Select Set) are placed in the plant stockpile. Paired OPCs in a copied drawing have their relationships maintained by the copy. Paired OPCs are not moved from the plant stockpile to a drawing by a subsequent copy session.

  • A plant item group is created at the target only once if the drawings that contain all of its members are selected for copy in one session. If the member drawings are copied in separate sessions, the plant item group is re-created at the target for each session.