Valid Settings - Intergraph Smart Materials - 10.2 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Web Help (10.2)

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On each page in Smart Materials Web, you can check the valid settings that are relevant for the page through the APEXValidSettingsIcon icon present next to the Quick Access bar. Valid settings consists of following details.

  • Project Defaults

  • DBA Settings

  • Privileges

  • CIPs.

Valid Settings

Project Defaults

In many areas of Smart Materials Web, workflows and software behavior are controlled by Project Default settings, which are project-specific and do not impact other projects. On the Project Defaults tab, the project defaults with their current setting are displayed that are relevant for the calling page.

  • Project Default - Name of the project default

  • Description -Project default description

  • Value - Allowed valid values for the setting

  • Value Description - Description of the project default setting

  • Default Value - Default allowed value of the setting

  • Level - Indicator if Value is specified on project or discipline level.

DBA Settings

DBA Settings are global settings and preferences that control the general behavior and processing of Smart Materials, independent of the login project or product group.

On the DBA Settings tab, the DBA Settings with their current setting are displayed that are relevant for the calling page.

  • DBA Setting - Name of the DBA Setting

  • Short Description - Short description of the DBA Setting

  • Setting Value - Value set for the selected DBA Setting.


Certain actions in Smart Materials require a granted privilege to allow users to perform these actions. For example, approval of a requisition can only be done by users having the ER APPROVAL privilege.

On the Privileges tab, the privileges with their current setting are displayed that are relevant for the calling page.

  • Privilege - Name of the privilege

  • Granted - If set to Yes, the user is granted the privilege, otherwise not

  • Level - Shows whether the privilege is granted at Role or User level.


Customer-installed procedures or functions provided with custom packages. CIPs can be customized to integrate your own logic for specific procedures. This requires consolidated knowledge of the corresponding Smart Materials functionality and programming skills.the CIPs tab, the custom packages with their CIP functions and procedures are displayed that are relevant for the calling page.

  • Package Name - Name of the custom package Object

  • Object Name - Name of the CIP function or procedure

  • Object Type - Indicates if it is a Function or Procedure.

This is a read-only tab, the data cannot be changed.